Home » » Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Are Reportedly ‘Genuinely Happy’ In Canada, Announces Final Royal Working Day After Being Told To Drop ‘Sussex Royal’ Label

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Are Reportedly ‘Genuinely Happy’ In Canada, Announces Final Royal Working Day After Being Told To Drop ‘Sussex Royal’ Label

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Meghan Markle & Prince Harry are reportedly enjoying Canada. They’ve recently announced their last working day as royals after being told they would have to ditch the “Sussex Royal” label to kick off their post-royal life. Everything inside…

Looks like the move to Canada from the UK was their best move.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are still in the transition period after announcing they were stepping down as senior members of the royal family last month. Life in Canada is treating them well and they’re reportedly loving their new life in Vancouver with their 9-month-old son Archie away from all the drama in the UK.

“Harry and Meghan escaped the chaos back home and are genuinely happy,” a source told Us Weekly. “They’re really enjoying Canada; it’s a completely different world from what they’re used to in London.”

The couple is able to be regular, normal civilians in Canada - well, as much as they’re allowed. Having privacy seems to be one contributing factor with their happiness in their new location.

“The locals don’t bother them, and they have the freedom to do whatever they want,” the source continued. “Meghan endured a lot of stress in England. She’s happy to be away from all that. Right now they’re all about getting Archie settled.”

According to Us, the Duke & Duchess of Sussex were spotted on Valentine’s Day for the first time since Prince Harry joined his wife in North America. Harry was spotted out making groceries recently:



It won’t be long before the Duke & Duchess of Sussex will officially end their royal duties. Their final day as working members of Britian’s royal family will be March 31st, according to a spokesperson for the couple.

Their office in Buckingham Palace will be closed on April 1st. From then on out, Meghan and Harry will be represented through their charity. And about that charity…

Meghan and Harry had taken steps to set up a new charitable organization called “Sussex Royal, The Foundation of the Duke & Duchess of Sussex,” but Queen Elizabeth has reportedly pumped the brakes on that. According to the Daily Mail, the couple has to drop the “Sussex Royal” and “re-brand.” It’s reported it’s a “complex situation” and the “fine details” are still being hashed out.

While they can no longer use the “Royal Sussex” title for their branding, we doubt it’ll stop their philanthropic efforts much. Or their coins, to be honest.

Back to the drawing board for a new name,  Then they’ll be back to doing what they do best: Helping people!

Photo: Splash

source: theybf

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