Home » » NFL Airs Anti-Police Brutality Ad During The Super Bowl + Blackballed Colin Kaepernick Does Charity Instead + The Carters Criticized For Not Standing During National Anthem

NFL Airs Anti-Police Brutality Ad During The Super Bowl + Blackballed Colin Kaepernick Does Charity Instead + The Carters Criticized For Not Standing During National Anthem

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There’s drama following Super Bowl LIV! (Shocker, right?) The NFL interestingly aired an anti-police brutality commercial during the game, sans blackballed player Colin Kaepernick. Find out what Kap was doing during the game, plus the controversy surrounding Beyonce & Jay-Z sitting during the National Anthem inside…

The behind-the-scenes drama seems to be just as entertaining as the actual game for this year’s Super Bowl LIV.

As we all know, the commercials that play during the Super Bowl are a big deal, so when an anti-police brutality ad popped up during the big game it def took folks by surprise. Like, the hypocrisy and irony is unmatched.

After blackballing former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick for kneeling in protest of police brutality, the National Football League had the nerve to air an anti-police brutality commercial during the big game. The spot featured the murder of Botham Jean – a black man killed inside his own apartment by white cop Amber Guyger. In the clip, Botham’s family share photos and videos of Botham, explaining how the world lost a wonderful human being in a senseless act of violence.

Check it:



The commercial was good. There’s no taking away from the message of the commercial. However, isn’t this what Kaepernick was kneeling for? To bring awareness to police brutality?

In 2016, Colin Kaepernick started a silent protest where he took a knee during the National Anthem to help bring awareness to police brutality and racial injustices. His actions eventually resulted in the former QB being blackballed from the league, yet they air a commercial with the SAME message he has been trying to spread to the masses?

The ad seems to be part of the NFL’s initiative called Inspire Change, which is a campaign spearheaded by Jay-Z last year when he inked his deal with the league. The campaign is dedicated to “education and economic empowerment, police and community relations, and criminal justice reform.”

So why now does the NFL seemingly see the issue with police brutality, but didn't see the vision about why the NFL platform IS a place for this to be discussed when Colin Kaepernick took a knee?

It didn't go unnoticed:









The hypocrisy.




While his former team played in the Super Bowl, Colin Kaepernick was busy giving back!

The former NFL star made his way to the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem yesterday where he spent time meeting the employees and touring the building. Then, he teamed up with Carolina Panthers safety/his friend Eric Reid and 100 Suits for 100 Men at the SCO Family Shelter in Jamaica, Queens to pass out suits to men. The organization 100 Suits for 100 Men is a non-profit that gifts clothing to men and women looking for jobs.

After that, Colin helped serve meals at the Shelter with help from the LES Girls Club and Know Your Rights volunteers.

Check it below:



There was more controversy from the Super Bowl...



As Demi Lovato belted out the National Anthem, Beyonce & Jay-Z were recorded sitting during her performance. And that caused social media to go into a frenzy.







Eric Reid also posted up on tweets, seemingly firing shots at the Carters:



He also retweeted these tweets on his timeline:





After news of Hov's deal with the NFL, the Hip Hop mogul said he still supports Kap, but said, “We’ve moved past kneeling. I think it’s time to go into actionable items.” Mr. Carter also said he had spoken to Colin about the deal before it was made public, but the former QB denied those reports.

After Bey & Jay's video went viral, Colin himself even fired a shot. He reposted an IG Stories originally posted by Miko Grimes, the wife of Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Brent Grimes, where she's criticisizing Bey & Jay sitting during the National Anthem with the "thinking" anamoji and the caption, "I thought we were past kneeling tho?":

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Bigot Barbie Tomi Lahren didn't waste any time verbally attacking The Carters on social media:




"Beyonce & Jay-Z (former crack dealer) sit for the national anthem because apparently the United States of America has oppressed them with millions upon millions of dollars & fans," she tweeted. "Sounds rough. Maybe they should try another country that allows them a little more freedom & success?"

She's always looking for her little 15 minutes of fame. She knows more than anyone that exercising the right to protest is more American and shows more love for this country than anybody in her party.

Decked out in Ivy Park x Adidas threads, daytime talk show host Wendy Williams said Bey & Jay should have stood during the anthem while delivering her Hot Topics segment today:



So, she's dragging Bey while wearing her clothing? Oh. She also threw in that her stylist "received the clothes a few weeks ago," seemingly trying to hint Beyoncé - who is known to not have a relationship with Wendy - gifted the clothes to them.  But who even knows.

Outside of the drama, Bey shared flicks from her personal stash of her Super Bowl outfit:



The Lion King star rocked a green Balmain suit accessorized with Messika Paris jewelry.

The Carters brought their daughter Blue Ivy for the Super Bowl festivities:














So, what are your thoughts about the NFL's anti-police brutality ad? Also, how do you feel about The Carters sitting out the National Anthem?!


Photo: Twitter

source: theybf

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