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ALL CAP: While Trump Gaslights The Country About COVID-19, Forever Prez Barack Obama Gives Us Presidential Vibes, Thanks Workers

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While Trump gets in front of the nation and spew literally whatever comes to his mind first, forever president Barack Obama is still serving presidential vibes. More inside….

If gaslight was a person - it would be Trump.

His “updates” on details about the Coronavirus are quite misleading and not long ago he was assuring Americans COVID-19 wasn’t that bad, making claims the deadly virus was not as bad as the seasonal flu.

"So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu," Trump tweeted. "It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

Sir.  There's plenty of tests for the common flu.  Not so much for Coronavirus, due to you.

Earlier this month, he also said he was not worried about having had direct exposure to the Coronavirus and that the U.S. was in far better shape than other countries. Pretty much downplaying the dangers of the virus.

CNN's Don Lemon put the president on full blast for saying he’d “always known” it was a pandemic and even “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic." Last month, Trump said "we" had already shut it down, he said hotter weather will kill the virus and it'll miraculously go away, and that the virus is going to "disappear one day like a miracle it'll disappear." Check it:

Trump said "we were prepared." Nope.



Trump said the virus snuck up on us. Not true.








He's totally disregarding health experts and is just saying anything. It's problematic and dangerous to say the least.

Trump sent a message to the American people about the "invisible enemy" after meeting with FEMA today (above) and speaking with U.S. governors:






Forever President Barack Obama is still in presidential mode, reminding us all that we need to be grateful for health professionals on the front lines, transit and airport workers, first responders, and everyone else who's doing their part to keep our communities going.



He reminded us to check on our elderly loved ones:



And he has highlighted organizations people can contact to help others in need:


Thanks, Mr. President.


Photo: Xinhua/Avalon.red/Splash

source: theybf

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