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All The Self-Care & Fitness Suggestions You’ll Need To Get Through This Coronavirus Crisis

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Now is the perfect time for some unapologetic self-care. Your usual schedule is a distant memory and you’re adjusting to your new normal as the world fights a global pandemic.


We're not about to lose our minds - or our skin we've been working so hard on - becasue of all the global & political foolery happening.  Here are a few things you can do to help ease you through the Coronavirus crisis…

It’s been scientifically proven if you take time out to “take care” of yourself, overall you’ll be in better health. Checking in and attending to physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and professional needs can make you feel better. And during a time like this, it’s uber important (even when we're more worried than ever).

There is no one-size fits all approach for stress relief. However, there are things you can do to help ease the self-quarantine pains.

You've also likely have been experiencing grief due to this new world order of sorts, and not even realize it. David Kessler - known as the world’s foremost expert on grief - talked to Harvard Business Law about feeling different types of grief.

HBR: People are feeling any number of things right now. Is it right to call some of what they’re feeling grief?

Kessler: Yes, and we’re feeling a number of different griefs. We feel the world has changed, and it has. We know this is temporary, but it doesn’t feel that way and we realize things will be different. Just as going to the airport is forever different from how it was before 9/11, things will change and this is the point at which they changed. The loss of normalcy; the fear of economic toll; the loss of connection. This is hitting us and we’re grieving. Collectively. We are not used to this kind of collective grief in the air.

You said we’re feeling more than one kind of grief?

Yes, we’re also feeling anticipatory grief. Anticipatory grief is that feeling we get about what the future holds when we’re uncertain. Usually it centers on death. We feel it when someone gets a dire diagnosis or when we have the normal thought that we’ll lose a parent someday. Anticipatory grief is also more broadly imagined futures. There is a storm coming. There’s something bad out there. With a virus, this kind of grief is so confusing for people. Our primitive mind knows something bad is happening, but you can’t see it. This breaks our sense of safety. We’re feeling that loss of safety. I don’t think we’ve collectively lost our sense of general safety like this. Individually or as smaller groups, people have felt this, but all together this is new. We are grieving on a micro and a macro level.

What can individuals do to manage this all this grief?

Understanding the stages of grief is a start. But whenever I talk about the stages of grief, I have to remind people that the stages aren’t linear and may not happen in this order. It’s not a map but it provides some scaffolding for this unknown world. There’s denial, which we say a lot of early on: This virus won’t affect us. There’s anger: You’re making me stay home and taking away my activities. There’s bargaining: Okay, if I social distance for two weeks everything will be better, right? There’s sadness: I don’t know when this will end. And finally there’s Acceptance. This is happening; I have to figure out how to proceed.

Acceptance, as you might imagine, is where the power lies. We find control in acceptance. I can wash my hands. I can keep a safe distance. I can learn how to work virtually.

You can read more here.

With your usual schedule getting knocked out of whack, you’re likely not going to bed at your usual time. The gym is closed, so you may not be getting in your cardio and weight training. You don’t have to leave the house, so you’re likely lounging around in sleepwear all day. Well, it’s time to get out of the rut and try and make the best of the cards we’ve been dealt.

EXERCISE: Even if it’s something mild – do something. Walking, jogging, yoga, HIIT, body weight exercises – all of these things will help your body FEEL better. Avoid the gym though.  When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which trigger positive feelings in the body. And who doesn’t want that?

Actress Tia Mowry isn't letting the pandemic stop her from staying healthy.

"Day 8 of #saferathome. Wanted to make sure you are guys are keeping your #health and #mentalhealth in check," Tia wrote on Instagram. "Just a few of the ways I’ve been doing just that. Apps such as @calm has helped with mediation, FaceTiming family and friends, and just letting my feet touch the grass (becoming one with nature) known as #grounding has helped with #peace of mind. When it comes to my #health, I’ve been focusing on things that support my #immunesystem system. Not forgetting to eat my veggies (frozen) and fruits loaded in vitamin C including supplements with Zinc, garlic, and iron @shopanser just to name a few. I’m also #workingout out to help with #immunity. It’s amazing how many incredible apps are avail to help keep your body moving! Also, in my Instagram stories, I’ve been giving some recipes and activities I’ve been doing with the kids to help keep us all sane. Ps, YES those are stretch marks and I’m freaking proud of them!"

NBA baller Serge Ibaka and Olympic Gold Medalist volleyball player Kim Glass are getting in their cardio inside the house:




SLEEP: You're likely not going to sleep at your usual time now that you have more time on your hands. You should change that. Keep a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This helps your body know when to expect sleep, which helps your body clock sync up with when you need to feel awake and when you feel sleepy.

Also, be sure your room is dark and cool. Science tells us that we sleep better in cooler temps.

STRETCHING: Activities like yoga helps the circulation of blood to various body parts and gets everything moving. It also reduces muscle tension, increases energy levels, and increases the range of movement in the joints.

MEDITATION: Taking a few minutes out of your day to calm your brain and relax during this stressful time can be very beneficial. Meditation reduces stress, promotes emotional health, and helps control anxiety. If your kids are home with you all day, taking a few minutes to meditate can definitely help you keep your cool. Our fave apps? Breethe, Calm & Meditate (available on your SLACK app).

GET OUT OF THE HOUSE: Yes, we're social distancing, but that doesn't mean you can't go outside for a minute for fresh air! Make it a habit to get outside and soak in some fresh air and sunlight - but not in groups.

LEARN SOMETHING: Now that you have more time on your hands, it's a good time to do some research on whatever it is you've been meaning to research. Look up information on things like starting a new business, stocks and bonds, retirement funds, etc. Now is the time to soak in all the information you can, make a plan and take action. Plus, most of the Ivy League universities are offering free online courses

CLEAN: Go ahead and put spring cleaning into full effect. You're already wiping everything down and disinfecting, might as well clean out all of the junk you have laying around from the holidays to kick off spring with a fresh start. Need help cleaning out your closet? Stylist Lili Morton will virtually guide you through the process of cleaning out and organizing your closet. Find out how here.

If you haven't already (or have been forced to), now would be a good time to reschedule beauty services. States are shutting down non-essential businesses left and right, which would include hair salons, barbershops and nail salons. If you're hairstylist/nail tech hasn't canceled or rescheduled you yet, they likely will as experts say the Coronavirus pandemic will get worse before it gets better. The federal government hasn't shut down these establishments, but states are and more will likely follow suit.

“People need to consider whether the necessity of the appointment or trip to the overrides the risk of being in public,” Dr. Robert A. Norton, a professor of Public Health at Auburn University told PEOPLE. “That is a personal decision, but social distancing is a wise move for now.”

“In areas with few or no cases, the risk is not zero (the virus is here), but generally less than the risk encountered in areas and regions where the case numbers are higher,” Dr. Norton continued.

Salons, barbershops and nails salons are already shutting down, so if yours hasn't yet, be prepared for when it does. And you could also use this as a time to learn to do your own cuts, washes, blowouts, braids, manis and whatever else.  You never know where your money saving talents may lie...

Also, we've created a Netflix list of TV shows and movies that will kinda curb your anxiety. Check it out HERE.

Listen, we're social distancing, but we're doing it together. Stay strong Fab Ones. We'll get through this!

Photo: David Prado Perucha/zulufoto/Shutterstock.com/Tia's IG

source: theybf

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