Home » » Coronavirus Church Drama: Some Churches Are STILL Having Service, Millennials Reprimand Their Parents + Pastor Demands Unemployed Members To KEEP Tithing

Coronavirus Church Drama: Some Churches Are STILL Having Service, Millennials Reprimand Their Parents + Pastor Demands Unemployed Members To KEEP Tithing

The Coronavirus pandemic has stirred up the church. Some churches are still having face-to-face services and that’s a problem. Also, one pastor told his congregation that they should continue to tithe even if they lost their job due to the crisis. Everything inside…

As states like New York and California put everything on pause and most churches switching to online streaming, there are still some churches refusing to close its doors.



One pastor in Louisiana is determined to meet with his congregation despite the nation trying to use social distancing in an attempt to slow down the spread of the virus.

Rev. Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in East Baton Rouge Parish says he’s not too much concerned over the pandemic. Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards (D) ordered no gatherings over 50 people, but that’s not stopping this church from touching and agreeing.

Rev. Spell is convinced the virus is “politically motivated.”

“It's not a concern," the Rev. Tony Spell of Life Tabernacle Church in East Baton Rouge Parish told CBS affiliate WAFB. "The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. We hold our religious rights dear and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says."

The police pulled up on Rev. Spell at his church a few days ago where 305 people were in attendance. He said he told the

They told him if he did it again, the National Guard would come shut him down. Rev. Spell revealed 1,170 people attended this past Sunday services.

“I had 1,170 in attendance Sunday,” Spell said. “We have 27 buses on Sundays picking up people in a five parish area,” he said.


Girls Connect ages 8-12

Posted by Life Tabernacle Church, Bus Ministry on Sunday, March 15, 2020




Posted by Life Tabernacle Church, Bus Ministry on Saturday, March 14, 2020


Rev. Spell has his church and at least one congressman on his side. U.S. Congressman Clay Higgins (R) sent a letter to the Louisiana governor last week saying he believes the limit on the size of church gatherings is unconstitutional.

“I agree that all our constituents and religious leaders should follow the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC),” Higgins wrote. “However, the decision to gather should be the choice of the individual or institution and not a mandate by any government entity. The state has no authority to enforce this proclamation nor any ban on worship.”

In the interview below, Rev. Spell opens up more about why he's not canceling face-to-face service:



Meanwhile, he's not the only church that's still holding service. Millennials have been going into parent mode with their own parents AND grandparents because they aren't taking the pandemic seriously, attending church and other gatherings:







Oh, and then there's this...



Televangelist Kenneth Copeland told his followers that even if they LOSE their job, they better not stop giving their money to the church. Yes, he said that. He said having fear of the virus is having faith the virus could hurt you or kill you. He said their job is not their main source, Jesus is their source.

"Whatever you do right now, don’t you stop tithing! Don’t you stop sowing offerings," he said.

Peep the clip above.

Whew, chile. We hate it here.


Photo: Christy Thompson/Shuttershock.com

source: theybf

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