Home » » School’s Head Boy Aker Okoye Writes Letter To Prince Harry After Fawning Over Meghan Markle - ‘She’s Beautiful, Innit?’

School’s Head Boy Aker Okoye Writes Letter To Prince Harry After Fawning Over Meghan Markle - ‘She’s Beautiful, Innit?’

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16-year-old Aker Okoye made sure to make his moment with Meghan Markle one to remember. And now he has gone viral. Watch what he did when he met the Duchess of Sussex, plus the let her wrote to her husband Prince Harry following the encounter inside…


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Sometimes, you just have to step out and do the most when you meet someone you admire.

As the Duke & Duchess of Sussex wrap up their royal duties before jetting off to Canada officially, one young man seized the moment when he met the former “Suits” star at his school.

The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise visit to Robert Clack Upper School in Dagenham to celebrate International Women’s Day as one of her last official  engagements as a senior member of the royal family. She delivered a powerful speech about women empowerment before an audience of students. After her speech, she invited the school’s head boy, Aker Okoye, on stage to share his perspective on International Women’s Day and he didn’t let the moment go to waste. By the way, a head boy is an older male student in a British school who is chosen to represent the school and is given special duties.

After shaking her hand, the first thing he said was:

"She really is beautiful, innit?," as Meghan laughed along with a loud roar of laughter from his classmates.

Aker then delivered his speech about what International Women's Day meant to him. Some news outlets reported he kissed her, but you can see at the angle below that he didn't. He def leaned in for one though.

Check it:


After his speech, he gave Meghan a hug before exiting the stage.

The teenager stopped by "Good Morning Britain" to dish on meeting the Duchess of Sussex, calling it one of the best days of his life. His mother was with him and when asked who was his hero, he said, "I have many, but my hero is sitting right next to me now," referring to his mother. How sweet! Peep his interview below:

“I didn’t tell my dad so when the news came out he was really shocked. He’s really pleased as well. He thought I was a bit cheeky going for a kiss but I keep saying it was to be polite," Aker told The Sun.

After the experience, Aker penned a letter to the Duke & Duchess of Sussex where he apologized to Prince Harry for "cuddling your wife."

The letter reads:

“Dear Harry and Meghan. Harry, hope you don’t mind me writing this letter. I hope you didn’t mind me cuddling your wife.

"I was just overwhelmed and shocked to see her arrive at my school. It was a pleasure to hear her speech and to speak in front of her as well. She is truly inspirational.”

“I nearly met you (Harry) last year when you came to East London to open the Future Youth Zone but I was away with the school. I hope to meet you one day.

“Good luck for the future. With kind regards, Aker.”

That's very sweet of him!


Meghan & Harry will officially begin their new life in Canada starting March 31st. The countdown begins.


Photo: YouTube screenshot/AP

source: theybf

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