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See The Shocking & Disturbing Photos Inside The Hotel Room Andrew Gillum Was Found With Male Escort & Suspected Drugs

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Pictures from that peculiar incident involving former Tallahassee Mayor turned Florida Governor candidate Andrew Gillum, suspected drugs and two other men have been released. And they’re shocking, to say the very least. See them inside…


2020 has been on one!

Days ago, a scandal involving Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum came to light after he was discovered by police at the Mondrian South Beach hotel last Friday in a room that had bags of possible methamphetamine present. Another man was found in the hotel room who was suspected of overdosing on crystal meth.

The Miami Police Department reports that they were called to the scene due to a distress situation happening at the hotel. Upon arrival, Miami Fire and Rescue was treating a man named Travis Dyson for a possible drug overdose. They were also made aware that 40-year-old Andrew Gillum was vomiting in the nearby bathroom. By the way, multiple reports suggest Dyson maintained a profile on the website Rent Men and listed himself as a “pornstar performer.”

A third man named Aldis Mejias told police that he had given his credit card to 30-year-old Dyson for him to rent a hotel room, which he did around 4p last Thursday. They agreed to meet later, and when Mejias came to the room just before midnight, Dyson answered the door and let him in. He says Andrew was in the bathroom at that time as well. Then fell onto the bed and began to have difficulty breathing. Mejias said he woke him up, and that's when Dyson vomited on the bed and collapsed. Meijas then started doing chest compressions.

Once he came to, Dyson was taken to Mount Sinai for further evaluation. He was later deemed to be in stable condition.

Police noted that upon entering the room, they noticed in plain site three small bags of suspected crystal meth on the bed and the floor. When officers attempted to speak with Gillum, he couldn't because of his "inebriated state." They later did a welfare check on him and learned his vitals were normal. Gillum reportedly returned to his own residence after the incident.

Gillum - who has been heavily talked about in consideration for the VP position on the Democratic Presidential ticket - immediately put out a statement after the story broke, saying he never did any crystal meth. He admits he drank entirely too much that night as he was there for a wedding. He then said he would be taking some time away to spend with his family.

As for that wedding....



One Twitter user claims Gillum didn't even show up to the wedding he was in town to attend. "Andrew Gillum didn't even show up at the wedding he said he was in Florida for. The attendees said he was supposed to officiate there but never showed up and didn't call. I guess he was busy," the Twitter uer wrote.

Days after the incident, Gillum announced he was checking himself into rehab for alcohol abuse. He revealed he fell into a depression after losing the governor’s race to Republican Ron DeSantis. He has also deleted his Instagram account, however, his Twitter page is still up, as of now.

Now, pictures from inside the hotel have been released and they’re disturbing AF. In the flicks (obtained by The Daily Mail), you see plastic baggies of suspected crystal meth, empty beer bottles laying around, prescription pills, along with soiled sheets and pillows. Click here to see them.

There’s also a picture of what appears to be a naked Andrew Gillum laid out on the floor next to a towel with vomit on it. We can't post them here, but you can see the picture that's floating around on social media here.

Andrew has a wife, R. Jai, and three children. We can't even imagine what his wife is going through right now amid this scandal.

People on social media have been sounding off about the incident and are appalled the politician/CNN contributor would get caught up in something some messy:







Some people feel it was a set up:







Dang Andrew! A tragic end for a once bright political career.

Photo: David Herring/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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