Home » » PRAYERS UP! Our Fave BET & MTV Host Ananda Lewis Reveals She’s Battling Stage 3 Breast Cancer

PRAYERS UP! Our Fave BET & MTV Host Ananda Lewis Reveals She’s Battling Stage 3 Breast Cancer


Former BET host Ananda Lewis just revealed she's battling Stage 3 breast cancer! She apologized to her family and friends for not telling them and shared that she has been undergoing alternative and natural treatments in her personal battle with the disease. More inside...

One of our fave former BET hosts just opened up about her personal battle to help others.

Former “Teen Summit” host Ananda Lewis just revealed she has Stage 3 breast cancer and she has been battling it for the last two years. The 47-year-old mom decided to share her diagnosis in commemoration of Brest Cancer Month, which runs through the end of October.

In a video posted to her IG account, the former MTV veejay first apologized to family and friends who didn’t know about her cancer battle. She said she had to “shield herself” from "unnecessary stress," so she decided to keep quiet about her diagnosis. It wasn’t personal, she just had to do what she had to do.

The former TV personality then talked about how she made the mistake of NOT getting mammograms after turning 40. In her mind, she thought being exposed to radiation via mammograms was part of the reason women were getting breast cancer. She admitted her former way of thinking was a “mistake.”

“What I didn’t understand, and what I need you to understand, the reason why I’m here telling you my business, is because I would have had three or four mammograms by the time they caught it," she said. "Instead, I’ve had to have 2 PET [positron emission tomography] scans so far. Guess how many mammograms worth of radiation a PET scan is. Anyone? 30! 30! So 60 mammograms! You do the math.”

However, had she received mammograms, doctors could have found the cancer earlier and her treatments would have been “less” difficult.

“If I had done the mammograms from the time they were recommended when I turned 40, they would’ve caught the tumor in my breast years before I caught it through my own self exam and thermography. And they would have caught it at a place where it was more manageable. Where the treatment of it would have been a little easier. It’s never easy, but I use that word in comparison to what I’m going through now. Instead, what I’m dealing with is stage 3 breast cancer that is in my lymphs. I need you to get your mammograms.”

Ladies, get your mammograms!

“I need you to tell them that they have to do it. Early detection, especially for breast cancer, changes your outcome. It can save your life,” she said.

The YBF mom said she has been undergoing natural and alternative treatments in an effort to stop the cancer from spreading.

“That’s good news, but it’s not gone and I still have a lot of work to do, and I wish I could go back. I have a 9 year old I need to be here for. I have no intention on leaving him. I don’t want to leave my kids, my friends, my family. Hell I don’t want to leave myself. I like being here!”

Peep her announcement below:


Prayers up for Ananda!

Photo: Everett Collection/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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