Home » » HOW SWAY? Police Say An Atlanta Teen Scammed Over $980K From A Kroger He Was Employed At In Two Weeks

HOW SWAY? Police Say An Atlanta Teen Scammed Over $980K From A Kroger He Was Employed At In Two Weeks


An Atlanta teen was arrested after being accused of scamming almost $1 million from the Kroger grocery store he was employed at. Whet?! Find out how he did it inside…

Buying two new cars in two weeks as a Kroger employee may not be the wisest decision to make if you’re scheming and scamming.

A 19-year-old Atlanta teen was arrested after being accused of stealing almost $1 million from the Kroger grocery store he was employed at. According to police, Tre Brown racked up over $980,000 over a two-week period by creating over 40 fake returns. That equals out to about $24,500 per return.

So how did he do it? Well, he started off small and after he kept getting away with it, he started to “go real big.”

"This employee was essentially creating fake items. Taking those items and returning them to a credit card he had and just making up prices for those items,” Gwinnett Corporal Collin Flynn said.

"The first one he did was in the range of 10 dollars and as he continued to get away with it the prices continued to go up until he made a return of over 87,000 that returned to a credit card," he continued. "It seems like this is a rare case where things snuck through the cracks and the person was able to get away with a large amount of money in a short period of time," Flynn said.

According to reports, Tre would take the money from the returns and put them on credit cards to purchase clothes, guns, shoes, and two vehicles - one of which he totaled. Some of the transactions involved lottery "redemption codes." Store surveillance video showed Tre typing in the lottery codes and depositing the funds onto his debit card. SMH.

He’s charged with theft by taking and could face up to ten years in prison if convicted, because of the large amount of money involved.

Kroger corporate loss prevention employees noticed the fraudulent transactions and contacted police, which prompted the investigation. After Tre was taken into custody, authorities were able to return a “large sum of the money from the alleged theft.”

Below are a few Twitter reactions to the arrest:

Needless to say, he will not be chosen for Employee of the Month.

Photo: Gwinnett County Police Department

source: theybf

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