Home » » Our Girl Crush Abby Phillip’s Girl Chat With Gayle King Explores Her New Pregnancy (It’s A Girl!) & Being #TeamSelfCare After 2020

Our Girl Crush Abby Phillip’s Girl Chat With Gayle King Explores Her New Pregnancy (It’s A Girl!) & Being #TeamSelfCare After 2020


CNN’s Abby Phillips is gearing up to become a mom for the first time and she dished to fellow journalist Gayle King all about it. Aww! She has a new show, a new baby on the way AND a new book in the works. More inside…

Talk about wearing many hats!

CNN’s Abby Phillips is such a fresh breath of air on the news scene. She’s fierce, bold and does her research so when she speaks, she knows exactly what she’s talking about.

The 32-year-old CNN correspondent is now about to embark on a new journey in her personal life: motherhood. And the new title comes months after announcing she was the new anchor on CNN’s “Inside Politics Sunday.” Woot!

During her recent sit-down with Gayle King for The Cut, March 2021 cover star Abby revealed she and her husband, Marcus Richardson are having a baby girl this summer. It’s their first child together.

“It has only made me become more in awe of what we as women are able to endure. It was tough: battling morning sickness while balancing a demanding job. But it has been a reminder of what I am capable of — and what so many women do every day,” she dished to Gayle.

On the cover, the mom-to-be showed off her 4-month pregnant belly in an orange and black Ganni dress accessorized with a Jennifer Fisher ring, AGMES earrings and rings.

“[We] are having a baby girl this summer! I shot this cover then I was 4 months pregnant and I can’t wait to be able to tell my baby girl that she was on the cover of a magazine … there are just no words,” she captioned her cover on Instagram.

The couple’s baby girl will be joining their fur baby/dog named Booker T. Cute. Abby & Marcus got married in 2018 and have been together for a decade.

Abby also talked about how she made sure to set aside time for self-care after how taxing and draining 2020 was, especially being a black journalist.

"It’s obviously been a difficult year to be Black in America — not just because of the turmoil this summer over racial justice but also the danger that Black Americans faced from the COVID-19 pandemic," Abby told Gayle. "I really tried to practice self-care this year — taking breaks and even bowing out of certain conversations and opportunities in the interest of self-restoration."

"But as a journalist, I always reengage, because this is my way of making a small difference. If I can shine light on these issues and bring the perspectives and the challenges facing Black people in this country to light, it’s a good day. And that’s what keeps me going," she said.



The CNN correspondent also talked about covering Trump and how – as a Black reporter – some stories just aren’t accessible.

"People were obsessed with the personality stories — who was up, who was down, who he was upset about. I was less interested in that," she revealed. "And as a Black reporter covering politics, you know that some of those stories are less accessible to you — sources are not going to give me the gossip in the same way they might give my white colleagues the gossip."


You can read more from her interview with Gayle King here.

Congrats Abby & Marcus!


Photo: Abby's IG

source: theybf

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