Home » » Colorado State Rep Richard Holtorf Had The Audacity To Refer To Colleague As ‘Buckwheat’ During House Session

Colorado State Rep Richard Holtorf Had The Audacity To Refer To Colleague As ‘Buckwheat’ During House Session


Colorado State representative Richard Holtorf is receiving backlash for referring to one of his colleagues as "Buckwheat" while speaking during a House session. Watch the clip inside...

If audacity was a person.

Colorado State representative Richard Holtorf (R-Akron) took the floor during a House session this week where he was commenting on an amendment he proposed to a bill when someone (off-camera) interrupted him. Instead of remaining professional, he resulted to name calling and he used a racial slur to do so.

"I'm getting there -- don't worry, Buckwheat, I'm getting there," he said before backtracking.

"That's an endearing term, by the way," he said.

Endearing term to whom?

It’s unclear who Holtorf was referring to as “Buckwheat,” but Democratic state Rep. Tom Sullivan – who lost his son in the Aurora mass shooting – was sure to check him right after he said it.

”Why are you yelling at me?,” Holtorf asked as their exchange began to get heated. You can see other House reps walk up to Holtorf to try and defuse the situation. Democratic state Rep. Leslie Herod stepped in and called the session into recess.

Check it below:



As they always do...



Holtorf issued a weak apology.


Below are a few Twitter reactions to Holtorf's comments:













Are we really surprised?

Photo: Twitter

source: theybf

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