Home » » Wendy Williams Shades The Hell Out Of Ellen DeGeneres Over Ending 19-Year TV Show

Wendy Williams Shades The Hell Out Of Ellen DeGeneres Over Ending 19-Year TV Show


Wendy Williams didn’t mince her words while covering fellow daytime talk show host Ellen DeGeneres announcement that she’s ending her show after 19 seasons. Catch her shade inside…

Leave it to Wendy Williams to say what’s really on people’s minds.

It sounds like the daytime talk show host has the inside scoop on what it’s REALLY like behind-the-scenes at "The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

Back in August, celebs like Kevin Hart and Tyrese hopped on social media to defend Ellen after she was accused by former and current employees of creating a “toxic work environment,” which has launched a storm of controversy.

Sitting in front of her audience comprised of her staff, Wendy kicked off her Hot Topics segment with the story about Ellen ending her daytime talk show after its 19th season. In Ellen’s farewell message, she mentioned being on television for almost two decades changed her life.

The controversial talk show said being on TV 19 years “doesn’t change your life, it exposes you for the person that you really are.”


Wendy played clips of Ellen speaking to Savannah Gutherie about the allegations made against her. She said she felt the controversy was “too orchestrated” and that she wished someone would have came to her and alerted her about what was going on.

”All I've ever heard from every guest that comes on the show is what a happy atmosphere this is,” Ellen said.

”I'm not sure that all the guests are happy. I was a guest. I wasn't happy,” Wendy said after airing Ellen’s clip.

Although Ellen said she knew the show’s 19th season would be her last, Wendy isn’t buying it.

”I believe she's leaving because of the workplace conditions, you know, I mean, we all in this room know people who've worked at the mm-hmm, mm-hmm, and people who've worked here themsel- mm-hmm, mm-hmm,” she said.

”I don't know whether she told her current staff, though,” she continued. “She seems like the type of person that would come out onstage and announce it to everybody and people are looking at the TV as she's saying it like: ‘Wai-wha-wait, what just happened?’"

Peep the clip below (starting at the 2-minute mark):

One current and several former employees of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” anonymously came forward to expose what’s been going down on the set of the “ELLEN” show. The individuals spoke to Buzzfeed News on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.

The former employees made claims that they were subjected to favoritism by executive producers, faced microaggressions and were fired after taking medical leave or bereavement days. One former employee – a black woman – said she experienced racist comments from senior level producers. Another former employee said after taking a one-month medical leave following a suicide attempt, they returned to work and were told their position was being eliminated.


Photo: YouTube Screenshot via Fox

source: theybf

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