Home » » THE TURN UP WAS REAL: Steph & Ayesha Curry Get Drunk In Love At The Parade Afterparty, Warriors' Best Moments From The Championship Bubble

THE TURN UP WAS REAL: Steph & Ayesha Curry Get Drunk In Love At The Parade Afterparty, Warriors' Best Moments From The Championship Bubble

Stephen Curry, Ayesha, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, Gary Payton Jr. and everyone in the Warriors' Championship Bubble were in RARE FORM yesterday.  They were turned all the way up and rightfully so.  We've got the best moments from the NBA champ's parade back in the Bay, and the afterparty that had the Currys on their drunk in love ish...


When you just nabbed your 4th really big ring, AND your first NBA Finals MVP, AND the NBA 3-point record, after getting trashed talked for years and playing through injuries....you have every right to be in rare f'in form. 

Stephen Curry was on turn-up mode at yesterday's championship parade, and the afterparty at wife Ayesha's International Smoke restaurant was even more crazy. Check it:


Couldn't tell either Chef Curry NOTHING last night.  And it's not their first time grinding on the dance floor either.


Earlier in the day at the parade, the streets were extra packed cheerign on their faves.  Even little Riley Curry, who got a marriage proposal from a young fan:


Wow.  Y'all know Steph probably had something to say.  Ha!


Draymond hopped off a float to grab some Ghirardelli's ice cream:




Klay Thompson officially has a #ParadeKlay mode because no one had more fun than him.  Even after tripping and falling on top of a woman while cutting up in the streets, he kept the party going:

Steph hopped off his float – that he shared with teamate and brother-in-law Damion Lee – to snap a pic with an actual goat wearing his jersey.  Hilar.




The celebrations from the whole squad and their families were a-plenty:


Congrats to the Warriors dynasty on their 2022 NBA Championship!

source: theybf

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