Home » » NBA Star Miles Bridges Charged With Domestic Violence & Child Abuse After Girlfriend Shares Disturbing Photos, Hornets Still Haven’t Released Him

NBA Star Miles Bridges Charged With Domestic Violence & Child Abuse After Girlfriend Shares Disturbing Photos, Hornets Still Haven’t Released Him

Charlotte Hornets forward Miles Bridges has been brought up on domestic violence and child abuse charges after his girlfriend, Mychelle Johnson, shared disturbing photos of injuries she sustained after he allegedly attacked her. Oddly enough, the Hornets have not released him. Details inside….

Felony charges have been filed against Charlotte Hornets forward Miles Bridges following his June 29th arrest in Los Angeles.

The 24-year-old NBA star is facing one count of injuring a child's parent and two felony counts of child abuse "under circumstances or conditions likely to cause great bodily injury or death," according to a statement from the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office. Prosecutors said Miles allegedly attacked his girlfriend, Mychelle Johnson, in front of their two children last month. Horrific.


The felony charges come on the heels of Mychelle taking to social media to show disturbing photos of the aftermath of the attack, which took place on June 27th and June 28th in Los Angeles.

“Domestic violence creates physical, mental and emotional trauma that has a lasting impact on survivors,” District Attorney George Gascón said. “Children who witness family violence are especially vulnerable and the impact on them is immeasurable. Mr. Bridges will be held accountable for his actions and our Bureau of Victim Services will support the survivors through this difficult process.”

The fact he did this in front of his two young children is unforgivable. 

Miles Bridges turned himself in to police a day after police arrived at the L.A. home and was released on a $130,000 bond. His arraignment is scheduled for Wednesday at the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

It’s reported the NBA star choked his girlfriend until she passed out, broke her nose, and gave her a concussion. Thankfully, the children weren’t physically harmed, but the emotional scares could possibly last a lifetime.


Mychelle took to Instagram to share pictures of her injuries. She said she was tired of suffering in silence.

"I hate that it has come to this but I can't be silent anymore," the post read (which has been deleted). "I've allowed someone to destroy my home, abuse me in every way possible and traumatize our kids for life. I have nothing to prove to the world, but I won't allow anyone who could do something so horrible to have no remorse and paint a picture of something I'm not. I won't allow the people around him to continue to silence me and continue to lie to protect this person."

The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department.



Miles is a restricted free agent and received a qualifying offer by Charlotte just days before his arrest. As of now, it’s unclear what his future in the NBA will look like.

The Hornets released a statement on Twitter following the announcement of the charges.

”We are aware of the charges that were filed today against Miles Bridges. These are very serious charges that we will continue to monitor. As this is a legal matter, we will have no further legal comment at this time."

What do you think will happen to him?

If you're experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or go to thehotline.org.

Photo: Photos: AP Photo/Rusty Jones/Instagram

source: theybf

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