Home » » 'P-Valley’s’ Shannon Thornton Reacts To Fans' Commentary About Colorism In Latest Episode - ‘I’ve Been Told That To My Face!’

'P-Valley’s’ Shannon Thornton Reacts To Fans' Commentary About Colorism In Latest Episode - ‘I’ve Been Told That To My Face!’

The colorism is REAL! “P-Valley” watchers took to social media to react to the colorism Shannon Thorton’s character faced in the latest episode. Turns out, some scenes were art imitating life. More inside….

Face card never declined! There’s NO denying how beautiful “P-Valley” star Shannon Thornton is. And she’s not “beautiful for a dark-skinned” woman. She’s gorgeous, PERIOD.

However, society doesn’t always see darker skinned women as attractive. Colorism in the Black community runs rampant as it has been passed down from generation to generation - sometimes unintentionally. The toxicity of colorism has plagued the the Black community since slavery, and it is still an bias many melanated people still deal with today. Colorism - which is discrimination within the same race - is a product of racism in the United States, yet, we rarely talk about it.

The hit STARZ show “P-Valley” tackles colorism (and all of the other -isms & phobias) in the Black community perfectly. Nothing is sugar coated.



On the latest episode, viewers were given the origin story of Keyshawn aka Miss Mississippi (played by Shannon Thornton). In one scene, Keyshawn was called an “unattractive darkie” and that struck a nerve with social media users. One person tweeted the fact someone called her that was SO far-fetched. Shannon had to step in and school the user that it’s NOT far-fetched because it has happened to her in real-life.



”U being the 'unattractive darkie in this episode was soooo far fetched,” someone tweeted.


”I thought it was very true to life-for me, anyway,” Shannon responded. “I’ve been told to my face (by a dark-skinned, Black man I dated) that lighter women were more beautiful simply bc they were lighter. Now, he doesn’t represent everyone but it wasn’t the last time I heard a man say that.”

The AUDACITY is nauseating.

”But anyway…Brown girls, I love y’all. I love US! We don’t need anyone to validate how special or beautiful we are,” she continued.

A fan asked if she continued to date the man who said this to her and she revealed he said these hateful things to her after she decided to break up with him:

”You continued to date him after that statement?,” a Twitter user asked.

”He said this after I dumped him, of course,” she responded.


Many users shared that they too experienced colorism, often times from people darker than them:









Although Shannon endured disgusting colorism comments, she never let it affect her ability to embrace her brown skin. Thankfully.

”I’ve never been insecure about my complexion,” Shannon said in an interview with Hello Beautiful. ”I’ve been told everything from, ‘You’re ugly because you’re Black.’ To, 'you’re pretty for a dark-skinned girl.' And these comments were coming from people who looked like me."




”I think a big part of what makes me beautiful is my Blackness," she continued. "I love that my skin is a sun-kissed brown. I love my golden undertones. I’ve always loved it and understood early on that anyone who had anything to say in regard to their disdain for a darker complexion spoke of their own self-hatred and that it wasn’t to be taken personally."

”The fact that there are girls who feel this way, Miss Mississippi included, is what drew me to her and was a big part of why I felt it was so important to be part of this project, because we do tackle colorism on the show. I’m also so grateful for songs like Brown Skin Girl, celebrating how beautifully made we are.”

Love her!

Photo: Shannon's IG 

source: theybf

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