Home » » Shanquella Robinson’s Death: Federal Prosecutors Will NOT Pursue Charges + New Autopsy Shows Shanquella’s Spine Was Not Broken

Shanquella Robinson’s Death: Federal Prosecutors Will NOT Pursue Charges + New Autopsy Shows Shanquella’s Spine Was Not Broken

Federal prosecutors have declined to pursue federal charges in the death of Shanquella Robinson, leaving her family “disappointed,” but not “deterred.” Robinson family attorney Sue-Ann Robinson (no relation) revealed a new autopsy found Shanquella’s spine was not broken and was still intact. The latest updates inside…

A tragic loss of life, a family searching for answers, and a justice system seemingly unable to provide closure - this is the story of Shanquella Robinson.

U.S. officials announced that they will not pursue criminal charges in the Shanquella Robinson case.

Six months ago, the 25-year-old Charlotte native was found dead a day after flying out on vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with people she thought were her friends.

The United States Department of Justice made a stunning announcement that has left her family and supporters in disbelief. In a statement that was released on Wednesday, federal authorities revealed that they will not be pursuing charges in Shanquella's case.

In their statement, United States Attorney Dena King and the FBI said there was not enough evidence of wrongdoing to issue criminal charges in this case.

“Based on the results of the autopsy and after a careful deliberation and review of the investigative materials by both U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, federal prosecutors informed Ms. Robinson’s family today that the available evidence does not support a federal prosecution.”

That’s crazy being that there is a video (that went viral) showing Shanquella being physically assaulted hours before she was pronounced dead.

This news has left many wondering why justice is not being served and has caused Shanquella's family and their attorney to speak out. On Wednesday, the Robinson family and their attorney met with reporters at Little Rock African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Charlotte.

The family's attorney, Sue-Ann Robinson (no relation to Shanquella), spoke out against the investigation's slow pace, calling out a series of concerning issues.

According to Robinson, the autopsy conducted on Shanquella's remains was done after embalming, which could have compromised the results. In addition, the results of a subsequent autopsy showed that Shanquella had brain swelling, yet the cause of death remains unknown.

The autopsy was carried out on Shanquella's remains in Mecklenburg County in coordination with her family. Despite this effort, however, the DOJ ultimately concluded that the available evidence did not support federal prosecution in her case.

The autopsy found Shanquella’s spine intact, according to Sue-Ann Robinson, which directly contradicts the claims of Mexican authorities, who said Shanquella’s spine was broken.

Watch the press conference below:

After her death, Shanquella’s friends initially told her mother and father that she died from alcohol poisoning.

In a letter to the White House, Shanquella's family's attorneys called on officials to find those responsible for Shanquella's death, specifically naming her travel companions who were with her in Cabo San Lucas.

The letter revealed the disturbing details of Shanquella's death, including the viral video that showed her being beaten while naked by one of her travel mates, identified as Dejahanae Jackson. It's reported that Mexican law enforcement issued a warrant for Dejahanae, who fled back to the United States after Shanquella's death.

The decision to not press federal charges doesn't necessarily mean that justice will not be served. It leaves the door open for potential charges outside of the federal level.

The mystery surrounding Shanquella's passing continues to deepen, leaving us all wondering if justice will ever be served. We pray it does!

Photo: Twitter

source: theybf

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