Home » » Inside Savannah James' World: The Cut's May-June 2023 Cover Star on Privacy, Ratchet Nights & Detoxing Secrets

Inside Savannah James' World: The Cut's May-June 2023 Cover Star on Privacy, Ratchet Nights & Detoxing Secrets

She's the queen of keeping things private in a world where oversharing is the norm. But in The Cut's May 2023 issue, Savannah James, the wife of NBA GOAT LeBron James, opens up about her life like never before. Get a glimpse of her world inside….



From her “corny” dating story to her ratchet nights out with friends, Savannah James shares it all. But that's not all - Mrs. James talks about her love for her husband and children, watching horror movies with the James Gang, and even reveals her detox secrets.

Covering the May 2023 issue of The Cut, the First Lady of the James Clan opens up about her private life, long-lasting marriage with NBA star LeBron James, and how she balances it all with her busy career and motherhood.

Mrs. James may be married to one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but their love story started in high school with a couple of “corny” moments that are sure to make your heart melt. In her interview with The Cut's May 2023 issue, Savannah shares the sweet and simple details of how she knew LeBron was "the One."

You and your husband have been together since high school. At what point did you realize you were about to join him on this wild ride?

Everything was definitely in the moment. We were two kids who started dating, as any two high-school kids would. Believe it or not, I didn’t know that he was going to be what he is today.

What was your “Oh shit” moment? Like, “Oh, I fell in love with this dude who’s about to go where?” Was it the NBA draft?

I don’t know if I took it that seriously even then. You know what I’m saying? I really, truly didn’t know.

I’m a romantic, so I have to ask: When did you know he was the One?

It’s so corny.

Give us corny! The girls love corny.

I’m like, “Really, Savannah?” But it was two scenarios. For our first date, we went to Outback Steakhouse. I’m sure that’s a thing that everybody knows at this point. I took some food home, and when he dropped me off at home, I left the food in the car. I realized it once I got in the house, because then I was about to eat for real. But he called me and was like, “I got your food. I’m going to come back and drop it off.” And I’m like, “You just want to see me again. Okay, bring my food.”

And then the second one was in Akron. It was a snowstorm the night before and we didn’t have school the next day. He called me: “I’mma come and get you so we can go to breakfast.” I answered the phone like, “Hello? I’m asleep.” So I hung up the phone. I hopped up out of the bed so fast. I was so excited. As much as my body wanted to stay in that bed, my heart said, “No, we going to get breakfast.” And we spent the whole day together.



From group-chat talker to lash helper, foodie to turn-up queen, Savannah reveals what kind of friend she is.

Which friend are you? Are you the group-chat talker? Are you the girl we’ve been calling for days?

I’m not the group-chat talker. I’m the, “Where are you at? Are you alive? Hello?” I’m that one, like, “Oh, y’all, I didn’t even know where my phone was at. I’m sorry.” Definitely her, but I think I’m a fun friend. I’m the foodie friend. I’m the playlist friend. I got the tunes. I’m the listening friend. I’m the go-with-the-flow friend who helps you put down your baby hair and put on your lashes.

Are you the turn-up friend? Because I did see a little something from Usher’s Las Vegas residency the other day.

Yeah, I am the turn-up friend. I enjoy a good turn-up every now and then. The more ratchet, the better, to be honest.

It surprised me to see Ellen Pompeo in that video. Is Savannah James really friends with Meredith Grey?

Ellen is my girl. Our girls go to school together. They’re in the same class. And we actually met through my friend whose birthday it was. But Ellen is super-dope, super-cool. She’s an OG. I love Ellen.

What are the kind of things you like to do for fun? 

Oh, my gosh, I love concerts, love to travel. I’ll take an 18-hour flight if I have to. I love to watch YouTube University and learn new tips and tricks with my makeup. I’m old school, so YouTube might sound extremely ancient considering TikTok and Instagram and all of the things. I told myself, I’m not joining the Tik-etyToks. The Tik-etyToks is for the children.

Ha! You can listen to Savannah’s “On Rotation” playlist here.



Savannah James is not just a basketball wife, she's also on a mission to become the best version of herself. From therapy to detoxing, she's making sure that she ages like a fine wine and taps into her spiritual side along the way.  

You mentioned a year of trying to become a better woman. What does that look like for you?

I’ve gone to therapy. Anything just to find out more about myself and the way that my brain functions in certain situations. I am a woman getting to a certain age and I need to be aging like the most amazing 19-whatever vintage wine on the market. I took a super-heavy intention with my health, moving my body, doing things that may sound weird, juicing for three months.

Three months?

I went on a detox program. I enjoyed it. I felt like I was able to tap into meditation, and my mind was much clearer. I was able to make decisions that I feel like I might have been kind of wavering with had I not done it. It felt spiritual.



From discussing her sons' basketball games to motherhood, Savannah James opens up about the impact her daughter Zhuri has had on her as a woman and a mother.

Is it messy for me to ask whose games you enjoy more?

That’s not messy at all. Listen, I’m ten toes down with my husband — always. But I enjoy seeing my boys become who they want to be and just seeing them do what they enjoy. I would say it is a toss-up now.

You were a mom of two boys for a while before you had Zhuri. How do you think that having a daughter impacted you as a woman and a mother?

Honey. It’s very different. Maybe last year sometime, we were sitting watching TV and having a conversation and all of a sudden she says, “Mommy, I want to be just like you … you dress so good and you do your makeup so good and you’re just so cool and you can dance …” It was all the things that were appealing to a 7-year-old at the time. It scared me, to be very honest.

It’s a lot of pressure. Someone’s watching you.

Every freaking move. I was already kind of in a place of working on myself; in the last four years, I’ve been on this intentional journey of being a better woman. So a part of me, when she said that, I was scared, but then I was kind of like, okay, well, I’m onto something. We just got to keep it moving in a positive direction. I’m just hoping that with all of the decisions that I’m making and the things that she’s seeing, when she’s 14, she’s still saying she wants to be like me. I try to pour into her every single day. As far as my inner child, I feel like I was like her.

The James household loves horror movies and often watches them together. They enjoy cult-classic films like Freddy, Jason, and Michael Myers, as well as newer ones like the Scream series and "American Horror Story"

What’s a typical day like for you? Is there such a thing as a typical day in the James household?

You know what? There is. We really thrive in our routine. Everyone: LeBron, Bronny, Bryce, Zhuri. I get up, and I usually take Zhuri to school. I don’t like to work out in the morning just because I don’t like to wake up to work out. But I do like to get it done at some point during the day. I find time to eat for the most part. I’ve been juicing; I do intermittent fasting.

Bronny is of age, so he drives to practice, and Zhuri, with her volleyball, only practices on Fridays and Sundays. She dances at school, and I have help with her from our nanny, Courtney. By the time everyone is home, we’re all chilling; we’ll have dinner, we’ll watch a movie. We love horror movies as a family.

A horror movie will give me nightmares for days.

Really? It’s just entertainment to us. I know that’s so weird and dark to say, but we love horror movies and we love watching them together. And I usually figure it out within the first 15 minutes, and I’m like, This is the killer. This is what’s going to happen. Usually, I’m right. Pat myself on the back for that. I do really good.

A detective!

Yeah. Zhuri likes to watch them, but I censor that.

Which one’s your favorite?

I’m definitely a cult-classic girl. I like Freddy. I like Jason. I like Michael Myers. I like the Scream series. The new one was really good. And I put it on my Instagram sometimes, but I’m a huge fan of the American Horror Storyseries. Definitely looking forward to that new season.

Mrs. James has some exciting new business ventures coming down the pipeline.

Your first business was a juice shop in Miami. Talk to me about what your entrepreneurial pursuits are right now. Is there anything new that you’re excited about pursuing?

I’m invested in Lobos Tequila, a web 3 start-up called Lockerverse, and a natural deodorant company called NEZ. Definitely have some passion projects I’m working on, one of which is with a partner, one of which is on my own. And I’m super-excited about them. I think they’re going to be amazing. They’re going to be well received.

You can’t tell us, but can we have a hint? Is it product based? Is it a medium? Is it visual?

It’s all of the things.

Get to the bag then, Savannah!

You can read her full interview here.

Photo: Jean_Nelson/Depositphotos

source: theybf

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