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Kylie Jenner Finally Comes Clean About Plastic Surgery! Watch Here

The 17 year old has hundreds trying to challenge themselves to create their own "Kylie Jenner Lips" at home, because that's how she claims she got hers... but now Kylie Jenner has officially come clean about how she REALLY got her new full lips.

Radar -- 

The truth is: She had temporary lip fillers. And she needed her mother’s permission to do it. 
In an upcoming episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, teenage reality star Kylie Jenner finally will confess that her enhanced lips are actually the result of temporary lip fillers and not a clever lipstick trick, as Jenner and other members of the Kardashian clan have stated. 

Sources from Radar say that Jenner was “forced” into shooting the segment in the past couple of weeks. 

She looks like a totally different person, doesn't she? 

What do you think about Kylie's lips and face now that she got her injections? Do you think she's too young?

Watch the sneak peek below:

via talkofthetown411

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