Home » » Beyoncé Flosses Her Killer Legs In A Stella McCartney Jumpsuit On A NYC Night Out

Beyoncé Flosses Her Killer Legs In A Stella McCartney Jumpsuit On A NYC Night Out

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Beyonce and those gams were spotted walking the streets of Manhattan last night.  Check out her super cute denim jumper and matching heels inside....

Texas girls love a head to toe denim look.  And Beyoncé took it up a notch in this Stella McCartney cut-out denim playsuit as she hit the streets of New York last night, topped off with an adorable Chloe bag.  [Loving Bey's look? Nab it for yourself over at Edited In Chic!]

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The blonde bombshell spent yesterday shooting a Givenchy campaign.  And then she had the night to herself, snapping her own personal Tumblr/Instagram shoot in the streets:

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We're not sure what Bey has up her sleeve for Mother's Day this Sunday, but her mom Tina Knowles recently penned a super sweet letter to her girls in honor of the special day.  Check it out HERE.


Photos: Splash/Beyonce.com

source: theybf

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