Home » » Zoe Kravitz COVERS Sade's "No Ordinary Love" + Christina Milian & More Attend All Def Comedy Live

Zoe Kravitz COVERS Sade's "No Ordinary Love" + Christina Milian & More Attend All Def Comedy Live

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Last night, Zoe Kravitz was center stage on late night television to perform a cover of Sade’s “No Ordinary Love.” Also, celebs headed to All Def Comedy Live at The Chinese Mann Theatre for a few laughs on hump day Wednesday. More inside...

Not only can she act, Zoe Kravitz can sing too. Well, of course she can, she has her own band Lolawolf (who released a new video "B*tch" recently) AND she’s the daughter of rockstar Lenny Kravitz. And it’s clear the singing gene was passed on.

Last night, Zoe hit the stage alongside Twin Shadow’s singer George Lewis Jr. on “Late Night With Seth Meyers” for their rendition of Sade’s 1992 classic “No Ordinary Love” with live acoustics to provide the sweet melody. Check it above.

In Hollywood last night....

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Christina Milian and her crew, which includes publicist J. Ryan, were among the celebs spotted at All Def Comedy Live last night, hosted by Tony Rock.

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Christina has been on the promo trail for her latest video "Rebel" and that's no laughing matter!  Tina Turn Up needs support!  And when she's not gushing about boyfriend Lil Wayne, she's posing it up in front of a camera.

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Legends in the game Damon Wayans and Joe Torry posed for a flick together.  Fans of the old HBO Def Comedy Jam series might recall the seasons Joe actually hosted the show. 

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Russell was there, treating his VIPS to cans of "Celsius", the new energy drink company he and Kimora started.

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Actor and stylist O'Neal McNight was spotted in the crowd. He stars on the new Lifetime series "Kosher Soul."

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Newlywed couple and parents La'Myia Good-Bellinger and Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Eric Bellinger (far left) were also spotted at the show. They posed with friends.




Photos via Kass/Ken for The Brand Group

source: theybf

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