Home » » Willow Smith Releases New "F Q-C #7" Video She Co-Directed + Is Kanye West Leaving Roc Nation?!

Willow Smith Releases New "F Q-C #7" Video She Co-Directed + Is Kanye West Leaving Roc Nation?!

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Willow Smith just dropped another song and video...and it's in her own language as usual.  Check it inside, plus rumors about Kanye West cutting ties from Roc Nation inside...

Willow Smith and her eclectic style are on display again in a brand new video she co-directed, for a song she self-produced.  It's called "F Q-C #7," pronounced "Frequency Number 7."

The 14-year-old shows off her ethereal voice with a hobo-chic-meets-hipster video treatment.

In the video, four Willows appear next to each other, dressed in different colors and playing different instruments.

"The different Me’s represent my Chakras,” Willow explained in an email to The FADER. "Yellow is Self-confidence, Blue is my voice (song), Red is my survival instinct, and the Black is a combination of everything (the true me),"

Willow also says "F Q-C #7" was inspired by fellow musicians Girlpool, tUnE-yArDs and her mom Jada Pinkett Smith's "A Different World" ex co-star Cree Summer.

Check out the visuals and the track below:



Meanwhile, Willow's Roc Nation mate Kanye West is embroiled in rumors that he's cutting ties from the company. 

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The G.O.O.D. Music head honcho has been managed by Roc Nation for years.  But with his recent and seemingly volatile relationship with the Roc's head honcho Jay Z--who he calls his big brother--things may not be all good in that camp.

HITS Daily Double reported today about some possible drama with Rihanna's R8 album that Kanye is producing.  And their sources said 'Ye is OUT at ROc Nation:

On a related topic, why is Roc Nation’s Rihanna’s “American Oxygen” not exploding at retail? The track sold a meager 7k last week. Is it possible the botched Tidal launch put that big a stink on the record? But the Rihanna-Tidal relationship is pressing on, according to a recent rumor, which has the struggling service getting a window of exclusivity on her forthcoming album, tentatively titled R8. In other action, Kanye West has left Roc Nation for management, inside sources say.


Kanye's name remains on the management roster of Roc Nation's site.  And he did seem to be buddy buddy again with Jay at the Roc Nation Pre-Grammy brunch a few months ago (above).

Still, it seems their issues over The Carters missing The Wests' wedding,, Kris Jenner being in Kanye's ear, Kanye removing his TIDAL tweets...then reposting them, and other drama could be causing friction.  We can't confirm it's all true yet, but we wouldn't be surprised if an announcement was made soon...

source: theybf

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