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DJ Nabs Accuses Nas Of Sleeping With Girlfriend, Then Apologizes To Wife For Leaving Her For Side Chick

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Nas' name is being dragged in some cheating scandal mess by DJ Nabs. He claims the rapper was sleeping with his side girlfriend while they were together.  Oh, and he's married!  It's pure tomfoolery.

Get it all inside...

Nas is being accused of having an affair with record producer DJ Nabs' girlfriend. And he's spilling all the hot tea in effort to apologize to his WIFE. Chile...

So here's what happened...

DJ Nabs tells Page Six he discovered his girlfriend Jessica Santos was sleeping with Nas behind his back. Apparently, the Hip Hop producer stumbled across some text messages and emails that insinuated Jessica and Nas were intimately involved. So, what does he do? He writes Nas a LETTER to confront him about sleeping his girlfriend. And by girlfriend, we mean side chick.  Because aint NOBODY loyal in this situation.  

He shared the letter with the site and here's some of what he wrote...

“On May 19th, 2018 after my performance in Atlanta with the Youngbloodz, my girlfriend didn’t come home one night. After confronting her and getting the silent treatment, I discovered on my own, texts and emails, that [proved] she had a sexual relationship” with the rapper, dating back to 2014, he wrote in a letter, seen by Page Six.

Nabs says in the missive that when he showed Santos the evidence, “she defiantly admitted to sleeping with [Nas] the night she didn’t come home,” claiming that she and Nabs “were over” at the time, and defended “the explicit texts I discovered saying, ‘the sexual texts are a minuscule part of our friendship.’ ”

We can't.  Oh, but get THIS....

This man publicly admits he was already MARRIED when he got with his girlfriend Jessica! He "left" his wife to be with Jessica because he "fell in love." We can't make this ish up.

O, but it gets worse. Nabs also claims Jessica had just broken up with another man before he got wit her and that man accused her of cheating with the Queensbridge rapper as well, but he "ignored the warning signs." Really, sir?

“He [Nas] knows I was with Jessica," he tells Page Six. "He knows I left my wife . . . I’m sitting in this situation betrayed by both of them, and I don’t owe them anything,” he says.

YOU were betrayed, sir?  Oh.

NABS claims the reason he's sharing the letter is because he wants to finally "free himself" and to publicly apologize to his wife for leaving her for Jessica. SMH!

He left his wife anyway in spite of Jessica's shady past, and here we are. In a heaping extra stank pile of mess.

Photo: Getty/DJ Nabs' Twitter

source: theybf

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