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Did Judge Mathis SPIT On A Valet? He's Adamant He Didn't, Video Of Incident Released

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A valet driver accuses Judge Mathis of spitting on him. The judge claims he didn't and then video of the incident was released. Did he spit? Decide inside...

A valet is accusing Judge Mathis of spitting on him after the TV judge became irate waiting for his Rolls-Royce.

The valet has lawyered up and is reportedly set to file charges against Judge Mathis. So here's what happened...

After dining at Flood's Bar and Grille in Detroit, Judge Mathis went outside to retrieve his vehicle from the valet. Apparently, the valet had Mathis' keys in his pocket and went out to retrieve another car. When he got back, an irate Mathis confronted him about what took so long. The valet claims he was gone 10-15 minutes, however Judge Mathis said he was waiting for his Rolls for 40 minutes.

The valet claims he apologized to Judge Mathis for the time he was gone, but the judge did NOT want to hear it and postal on the guy. Judge Mathis became so upset, he allegedly spit on the valet...TWICE.

The valet claims the second time the judge allegedly spit on him, it landed on his shirt and he wants a DNA test to prove he was spat on by the TV judge.

However, Judge Mathis is singing a different tune. While he admits to being upset at the valet, he claims he never spit on him. He said there were several witnesses outside during their verbal match and that those witnesses can vouch for him that he didn't spit on the man. The valet claims to have witnesses that would prove he was spat on. Judge Mathis also claims he had not been made aware of any police report, nor has he been contacted by police.

Here's his side of the story below:

Not long after Judge Mathis shared his side of events, video footage of the incident was released. It's hard to tell if the judge spit on the man, but you can clearly see he was pissed off. Check it:

Meanwhile, Detroit residents posted these allegations about the restaurant's valet on social media:

The incident is being investigated by the police.

Hmm...does it look like Judge Mathis spit on the valet?

Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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