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Isaiah Washington Explains Why He Walked Away From Democratic Party & Publicly Supports Trump

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Actor Isaiah Washington is ruffling feathers - his specialty apparently - after announcing he was leaving the Democratic Party and joining forces with the Republican Party. Oh, and he explains why he's a Trump supporter as well. More inside...

Isaiah Washington, former "Grey's Anatomy" star, is making headlines after sharing his new political views.

The 55-year-old actor sat down for an interview with Fox Nation's "Nuff Said with Tyrus" to share his new political affiliation and explained why he decided to ultimately walk away from the Democratic Party. He shared he decided to leave the Dems because they "aren't doing enough" for the black community.



"Walking away is a sacrifice," Washington said while praising the social media movement he supports, #WalkAway. "There's a risk and there's a penalty for it, but you have to walk away when it matters ... and the reason I chose to walk away from the Democratic party ... is that something doesn't feel right."

The #WalkAway online campaign encourages people who feel left behind by the Democratic party to seek other alternatives, like the Republican party.

Isaiah said he feels like some actors and actresses in Hollywood are afraid to let the world know they're conservatives.

"You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people but they are terrified to come out of the closet and say anything that's not in line with the Democratic party," he explained.

The former "Grey's Anatomy" star, who was fired from the show after using a homophobic slur, said he's "going to support policy over a person," which is why he supports Trump's First Step Act, which is a bill that would reduce a prison's sentence for good behavior and also assist them with their transition back into society once they are released. He said that bill is one of the reasons he decided to switch sides. 

Isaiah left the Democratic Party back in April after a visit to Trump's White House to celebrate the new bipartisan prison reform bill - the First Step Act.





Since then, he has been showing support for the Republican Party and sharing information fromt he #WalkAway campagin:



He has been receiving backlash on social media since the interview came out:








And he's responding:





Last week, Isaiah called out actors and actresses who are undercover conservatives:



Hmph. Thoughts?  We just know voluntarily giving money and support to a party who has blatantly stated they hate people who look like you is worse than working within a different party - one that has far more people who look like you in power positions and far more people who share your beliefs - to make it better.


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Photo: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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