Home » » Second 9-1-1 Call Released After Kevin Hart Crash & Folks Have More Questions

Second 9-1-1 Call Released After Kevin Hart Crash & Folks Have More Questions

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The more details that come out, the more confusing the story around Kevin Hart's car crash is.  The latest 9-1-1 calls inside.


Kevin Hart is recovering from back surgery after his major car crash earlier this week near his home in L.A.  The other two people in the car, Eniko's personal trainer Rebecca and her fiance Jared, were trapped under the smashed in roof which had to be cut off to free them.  Interestingly, Kevin either freed himself or was helped away from the car by his security that had arrived on the scene.  And people are wondering if help had arrived for his friends before he was taken away from the scene.


A second 9-1-1 call was released, this time from inside Kevin's home and by an unidentified woman, which has led folks to believe it could possibly be his wife, Eniko Hart making the call.

She was asking for an ambulance for Kevin, who she said "couldn't move."

The person also said the accident happened outside of "our" home, beyond their gated community.  The person on the phone also sounded...interesting.  She said Kevin was incoherent, but breathing, and they weren't sure when exactly the accident happened.  Based on the call record, the call was made a whole 90 minutes (not 20 minutes like she said) after the police report said the accident happened.

TMZ did catch up with Eniko directly, chasing her down with cameras outside Kevin's hospital where he was recovering from surgery. Her vibe was...interesting.

She revealed that he's "doing great" and will be fine. 

The first 9-1-1 call, released a couple days ago, was from a male witness who revealed Kevin became verbally aggressive when he saw him on the scene.


It's interesting that this person believed Kevin was the driver.  He remarked Kevin was walking away from the scene, and that he saw Kevin being pulled out of the driver's side window by his security guard. According to the police report, though, his friend Jared was the one driving, so Jared would have been in the driver's seat.

It's possible that's the only window he could get out of, seeing that the roof was crushed. But folks are wondering if and how he ended up on the driver's side if someone else was already in the driver's seat. And Jared reportedly wasn't removed from the car until after Kevin left the scene.

Plenty of comments on social media are asking the obvious question - if Kevin was injured so badly to the point of needing back surgery, why would his security move his body from the car (possibly causing further harm) and go home instead of receiving medical attention on the scene?  Maybe he was in shock and didn't realize the extent of his injuries until that second call 1.5 hours later?  Possibly. 

While the details still aren't all the way clear, hopefully everyone involved has a speedy recovery.  


Photo: Getty

source: theybf

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