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NEWS: Middle School Girl Says 3 White Boys Pinned Her Down & CUT Her Dreads!

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A 12-year-old Virginia student claims three white boys held her down and CUT her dreads! Get the shocking details inside….

A 12-year-old Virginia student has been left traumatized after three sixth-grade white boys reportedly pinned her down and had the nerve to cut her dreadlocks off. Amari Allen claims the three boys – who attend a Christian school in Northern Virginia – held her down, cut her hair all while yelling at her that her hair was “nappy” and “ugly.”

"They said my hair was nappy and I was ugly," the 12-year-old told News4. "They put their hands over my mouth. They put my hands behind my back. And they started cutting my hair and saying it was ugly."

Amari is straight-A student and violin player at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, where Vice President Mike Pence's wife, Karen Pence, teaches part-time. Amari has attended the school since kindergarten and said she enjoys going to school. However, that all changed when the young thugs started bullying her at the beginning od the school year.

The alleged attack happened during recess as she was about to go down a slide. She said one of the boys grabbed her and put his hand over her mouth. Another boy grabbed both of her arms and the third boy cut off some of her hair. The school bell rang and the boys ran away laughing.

Amari didn’t tell anyone about the attack. A few days after the incident, her grandmother notice long portions of her hair was missing while styling her hair. When her grandmother asked her about it, Amari broke down in tears and shared what happened. That’s when the family called Fairfax County Police.

Following the incident, Amari’s grandmother, Cynthia Allen, and her grandfather said the family is terribly troubled by the assault.

"It was like she just died. That's how painful it was for me," Amari’s grandmother said.

"My heart just broke," Amari’s grandfather said. "I was just paralyzed. I couldn't get myself together."

They said they aren’t sending her back to school until the boys are punished. Amari's grandparents aren't sending her back to the school until the boys are punished.

"Some consequences should be implemented so that the school will send a strong message: We will not tolerate this, under any circumstances. No matter who you are," Cynthia Allen said.

Our hearts ache for this family.  The sheer audacity of other human beings, especially the boys' parents who have yet to say anything.

Head of School Stephen Danish said administrators were "deeply disturbed by the allegations."

"We take seriously the emotional and physical well-being of all our students, and have a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of bullying or abuse," he said in a statement.

The alleged assault happened on Monday. It’s Friday and nothing has been done yet. Let’s hope this family receives justice.

Watch Amari's emotional interview below:

Prayers up for Amari! She didn't deserve this. And will likely suffer a lifetime of haunting memories.

Photo: YouTube Screenshot

source: theybf

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