Home » » Naomi Campbell Skips Out On A Huge Bag With An ‘All Black Fashiion Show’ Because She Wants To Promote ‘Balanced Inclusion’

Naomi Campbell Skips Out On A Huge Bag With An ‘All Black Fashiion Show’ Because She Wants To Promote ‘Balanced Inclusion’

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Naomi Campbell reveals she turned tons of cash to participate in an all-black show because she wants to promote “balanced inclusion” in the fashion industry. More inside…


Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been in the game long enough where she can turn down a bag if she wants. Especially if whatever event doesn’t line up with her beliefs.

In an interview with The Guardian, the 49-year-old model spoke about how she once turned down a gig that was specifically for black people. The reason? It didn’t line up with her vision of what inclusion really is.

The runway slayer said the word inclusion has somehow been turned into a “cult” and she doesn’t like it.

"I feel a difference on many levels now -- but someone I know recently called it a ‘cult'." "It wasn't that way when you had everything, was it? You wouldn't say that when you were getting everything handed on a plate, and things were coming your way constantly," she explained.

"I'm the kind of person where, with my friends -- and I take that word very seriously -- I'm happy for what they get. So to hear this called a ‘cult', that was like, ‘Wait a second: so you want me to feel bad now that things are turning the other way?' We just want balance, end of story. I won't do an all-black show, for instance, because it would be hypocritical given what I've stood for, for so long."

Naomi said she stands for “balanced inclusion,” so much so, she was offered “tons of money” to do an exclusively black show recently, but turned it down.

"I can see clearly when brands want diversity because they get it and think it's the right thing to do - and the ones who just think it will look bad if they don't."

Is it right to say that she campaigns more for diversity now because she is more comfortable in her skin?

"It's not that I feel comfortable. I don't think I've been speaking about it more -- I think I've just been doing more. Everybody knows Africa is not new to me and I've been working on projects there since 1994," she said.

For the Gurardian piece, Naomi served up a veteran model flex, shot by black photographer Campbell Addy. She said it was the first time in her career she posed it up for a black photographer in mainstream fashion:




Do you agree with Naomi?


Photo: Backgrid

source: theybf

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