Home » » Blac Chyna On Kylie Jenner Letting Dream Ride On Kobe Bryant’s Helicopter- ‘I Never Gave Her Permission To Do That’

Blac Chyna On Kylie Jenner Letting Dream Ride On Kobe Bryant’s Helicopter- ‘I Never Gave Her Permission To Do That’

Blac Chyna is pissed to have learned that her daughter Dream Kardashian, whom she shares with Rob Kardashian, rode on Kobe Bryant’s helicopter without her permission.  She says she would have never allowed it.  Read her statement inside…

Blac Chyna is (understandably) upset that she never knew her daughter Dream Kardashian, whom she shares with Rob Kardashian, was put on a helicopter without her permission.

After news broke on Sunday that Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant and seven others died in a helicopter crash, Kylie Jenner took to IG Stories to speak about it. In the post, she revealed she often rented Kobe’s helicopter with Kobe’s longtime pilot Ara George Zobayan, dubbing him a “nice man.” He was one of the victims who lost their lives in the crash.

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The Lip Kit chick shared a picture of her 3-year-old niece on her birthday standing in front of the helicopter with the caption, "Took Dream on her first helicopter ride. Happy Birthday baby girl. You are a gift."



Dream's dad, Rob Kardashian, also shared pictures of Dream in front of and inside the helicopter on her birthday, captioning the photos, "Happy Birthday Dream."

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No one told Blac Chyna about Dream riding on a helicopter and she's NOT happy about it. 

Chyna’s lawyer Lynne Ciani has released a statement to AMI on Chyna's behalf, alleging Kylie took Dream on the blue and white Sikorsky S-76 chopper without her permission.

“Chyna has become aware that Kylie Jenner is using the tragic deaths of Kobe Bryant, his beautiful daughter, and seven other precious souls to profess her ‘distress’ that she and Dream had ridden on the same helicopter with the same pilot prior to Sunday’s horrific crash. What Kylie failed to disclose was that Chyna never gave Kylie permission to take her precious daughter Dream on a helicopter ride and that Chyna never would have given Kylie that permission,” said Ciani, in a statement to AMI.

“No parents should find out after-the-fact that their child has participated in a dangerous activity without their permission,” Ciani continued.


While Chyna & Rob agreed to joint custody of Dream in September 2017, we believe a parent should - at the very least - let the other parent know about activities such as this.

Do you think Rob & Kylie were wrong for not informing Chyna about Dream riding on the helicopter, despite the fact they're seemingly not on speaking terms? Or, do you feel as Dream's father, Rob didn't need to let Chyna know about it? Speak on it below.


Photos: Jamie Lamor Thompson/JStone/Shutterstock.com/Rob's IG

source: theybf

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