Home » » House Democrats Will Vote To Yank Trump’s War-Making Power, Iran Threatens "Harsher Revenge" Against U.S.

House Democrats Will Vote To Yank Trump’s War-Making Power, Iran Threatens "Harsher Revenge" Against U.S.

House Democrats will vote today to try and limit President Trump’s war-making power on Iran. Meanwhile, the general chosen to replace Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike last week, threatens “harsher revenge” against the U.S. Details inside…


It’s about to go down!

Since Trump is out here wilding without any type of checks and balances (stares at Republican Senators), House Democrats are trying to limit his war-making power with Iran.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she’s supporting a "War Powers Resolution to limit the President's military actions regarding Iran."

”We are concerned,” Nancy explained, "that the administration took this action without the consultation of Congress and without respect for Congress's war powers granted to it by the Constitution."

Of course, Trump wants Republicans to save his a**


"Hope that all House Republicans will vote against Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s War Powers Resolution. Also, remember her “speed & rush” in getting the Impeachment Hoax voted on & done. Well, she never sent the Articles to the Senate. Just another Democrat fraud. Presidential Harassment!," he tweeted.

THIS guy...

The vote comes after Trump delivered a speech to the nation that he has no further military response against Iran intended to lower tension in the Middle East. "The fact that we have this great military and equipment, however, does not mean we have to use it," Trump said. "We do not want to use it." Following the airstrike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, Iran responded with a missile attack Tuesday on two Iraqi bases that house U.S. troops. Thankfully, there were no casualties.

Today, a member of Iran's joint chiefs of staff announced there would be "harsher revenge" taken against the U.S. According to CBS News, the general chosen to replace Iranian General Qassem Soleimani said he would follow the same path as his predecessor.

IRGC senior commander Abdollah Araghi said Iran's Revolutionary Guard "will impose a harsher revenge on the enemy in the near future," according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

So scary.

"Grown-ish" actress Yara Shahidi - who is Iranian-American & has family in Iran - recently took to Instagram to share her thoughts and emotions about a possible war with Iran:


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<Image Repost from @milads86 > As a young Iranian-American with family in Iran, the news which has inundated us in the past week has felt overwhelming and divisive. I know that I will never fully understand the socio-politics playing out, even with what I’ve learned from history books and biographies. Regardless, what I do know for certain is that I mourn for all of the lives lost and halted by the events of the past week; for the many whose urge and desire for peace is caught in the crosshairs of governments; for my Iranian community who aren’t finding support in their global community and whose culture is being reduced to the actions of few in order to justify conflict. War is not the answer and the fact that it is even being entertained is frightening.

A post shared by Yara Shahidi (@yarashahidi) on


As a young Iranian-American with family in Iran, the news which has inundated us in the past week has felt overwhelming and divisive," she wrote. "I know that I will never fully understand the socio-politics playing out, even with what I’ve learned from history books and biographies. Regardless, what I do know for certain is that I mourn for all of the lives lost and halted by the events of the past week; for the many whose urge and desire for peace is caught in the crosshairs of governments; for my Iranian community who aren’t finding support in their global community and whose culture is being reduced to the actions of few in order to justify conflict."

As expected, she's NOT here for a war.

"War is not the answer and the fact that it is even being entertained is frightening," she concluded.

We're praying the government can stop Trump (and grow some balls) and all of his unchecked madness.

Photo: Joseph Sohm/Shuttershock.com


source: theybf

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