Home » » They Said This Is Who Now?! Madame Tussauds Unveils Their Alleged Nicki Minaj Wax Figure

They Said This Is Who Now?! Madame Tussauds Unveils Their Alleged Nicki Minaj Wax Figure

Nicki Minaj just got the wax figure treatment at Madame Tussauds Germany, but the internets aren't having it.  See their version of who they allege is Mrs. Petty inside.

We don't know who lied to the Germans, but, this aint it.

Actress Evelyn Burdecki unveiled Nicki Minaj's new wax figure at Madame Tussauds in Berlin today and we wouldn't have known it was her had they not said so.

The size, skin color, and details are off, and everyone noticed.  It's unclear why they didn't just do a direct duplicate of the wax figure the American Madame Tussauds rolled out in 2015 with the same "Anaconda" video inspo.  But the Barbs are PISSED.



Swipe through the gallery below for more of the wax scandal!


Photos: Splash

source: theybf

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