Home » » Tyler Perry Heard What Y’all Said About The Bad Wiggery & Exploiting Black Women’s Pain – HERE’S HIS RESPONSE

Tyler Perry Heard What Y’all Said About The Bad Wiggery & Exploiting Black Women’s Pain – HERE’S HIS RESPONSE

The Internet has been savagely dragging Tyler Perry ever since his new film A Fall From Grace hit Netflix for several reasons. Now, he’s responding. Find out what he said inside….

Tyler Perry’s crime thriller A Fall From Grace ignited a sh*tstorm of tweets when it debuted on Netflix last week. And not because of how good the film is. Folks started picking apart the film, mainly dragging him for the bad choice of wiggery that was selected for the characters, which you can see HERE.

Well, Tyler heard y’all and he’s responding.

During an interview with Hello Beautiful, Tyler and A Fall From Grace star Crystal Fox (pictured below) revealed they had a “knock down, drag out argument about the wigs in one of the scenes.”

”In one of the scenes, it was very emotional for her [Crystal],” Tyler said.

He said he chose the wigs because that’s what the characters called for. He didn’t want the actors to “show up” as themselves, he wanted them to fulfill the character’s profile.

Crystal said she is always asking for things she needs for a character. As a woman of color, "our hair is part of the journey," so it’s very important to her. She said it’s sometimes hard to stress how important it is to some people. And it def felt like she was talking about Tyler and he didn't seem too happy about it.

“I think hair is very, very important, but figure that sh*t out before we go on camera is my whole thing," Tyler responded. "As long as y’all figured it out before it’s time to shoot, I’m good. I don’t got time to waste five hours and spend spending $10 million to figure out which curl is better for you.

Peep the clip below:

But Tyler, as the writer/director/producer, isn’t it your job to care and make sure these things are handled before it’s time to shoot? Just sayin…


Outside of the wiggery, Tyler was also called out by women are FED all the way up with the storylines he uses in his films. It didn't help that Tyler made it known they shot this movie in 5 days. He has been criticized for building his empire by "selling out black women” or capitalizing on black women’s pain.

The director wants you all to know that’s simply not the case. In an interview with The New York Post, he said he there’s always an underlying message in all of his films. The fact he watched his mother be abused by his father growing up has a huge effect on the movies he creates.

“I’m always trying to send a message that you don’t have to deal with this sh*t,” the 50-year-old said.

“It’s not about making money off of a woman’s pain, it is about telling a story and I wish that people, especially black women, would get off the fact of saying, ‘Oh, he’s making money off of black women.’ ”

Earlier this month....



Tyler caught some heat after he revealed he's the only one who writes the scripts for his shows, including "The Have & The Have Nots," "The Oval," "House of Payne," "Assisted Living," "Sistas," and more. Folks were sounding off, suggesting his content would improve if he did bring in more writers. He said when he had writers, it was a bad experience for him and the ratings for his shows started to dip.

Tyler said he was confused where all the hate was coming from when he put up the post because he did it to try and motivate people about worth ethic.

"Well, let me tell you what this is. So the first thing that happened—this was about ten years ago. I had a writer’s room. It was a really bad experience for me," he said on "Sway In The Morning."

"They were turning in scripts that I had to pay for, repay for if they were bad. I was just like, ‘I’ll just do it myself.’ And my ratings started to take a dip. So I was like, ‘I’ll just write my own stuff.’ Listen, “The Have and Have Nots” is still the number one show on Tuesday nights. “The Oval” and “Sistas” are still the number one shows on BET. So, somebody’s loving my writing. So I’m going to focus on that. But as far as Tyler Perry Studios, there are other projects that we’re working on that there’s going to be a showrunner, there will be other writers that are not what my audience is expecting from me. So yeah, there will be other opportunities. But as far as self-care goes, I’m good."


He said it's not about money, it's moreso about time.

"That ain’t what it is, man. When you are a writer, they give you what’s called “combat pay” if you can write something in three months. I write my whole season in two weeks. Most writers, if they are going to write a script or movie, they get six, seven, eight months to go write it. I write these things in two weeks because it’s my head. And my audience loves it. I’ve been doing this for 25 years. I’m speaking directly to them. We speak a language. So I’m not going to change what I’m doing because people don’t like that I write everything.

Peep the interview below: 


By the way....



Tyler Perry covers EBONY's Power 100 list. Congrats!

Photos: lev radin/Shuterstock.com

source: theybf

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