Home » » ALL THE 'HAIR LOVE'! Matthew Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver Win Oscar For Best Animated Film, Keep Promise to Bring Deandre Arnold With Them!

ALL THE 'HAIR LOVE'! Matthew Cherry & Karen Rupert Toliver Win Oscar For Best Animated Film, Keep Promise to Bring Deandre Arnold With Them!

What a difference your manifestation makes.  Former football player turned animated film creator Matthew Cherry and co-creator Karen Rupert Toliver just won their very first Oscar, and their speech - you gotta see it.  Get into the inspirational "Hair Love" inside.



We've been following his journey from book to film since 2017, and he's always said he wanted this level of spotlight on such an important theme for black children.  Now, here we are.  Matthew Cherry's "Hair Love" is officially an Oscar winning film.

Before "Hair Love" creators Matthew Cherry and Karen Rupert Toliver accepted their Oscar for Best Animated Film, Matthew posed it up with his fiance, Candice Wilson, and glam team at home:



Matthew and Karen's acceptance speech was an inspirational one, with them explaining why his work is so necessary - teaching black and brown kids to love their natural hair - and why Matthew dedicates this award to fellow Oscar winner Kobe Bryant:

Afterwards, Matthew and Karen chopped it up with the media about what this all means:


By the way, remember the Texas student DeAndre Arnold who was suspended for rocking his dreadlocks?  Matthew, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union promised to bring him to all the Oscars festivities with them, and that they did.  Check it:


Matthew even shouted him out in his acceptance speech.  Sweet!


Photo: ABC

source: theybf

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