Home » » Amanda Seales Gathers ‘EXTRA’ TV Host For Pitting Her Against Jeannie Mai! Jenn Lahmers Responds

Amanda Seales Gathers ‘EXTRA’ TV Host For Pitting Her Against Jeannie Mai! Jenn Lahmers Responds

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Amanda Seales isn’t taking anyone’s ish on “The Real.” When “EXTRA” co-host Jennifer Lahmers kept coming for her, sis gathered her up quickly. Watch it go down, plus see Amanda and Jenn’s social media reactions inside….

Amanda Seales landed the 5th spot as “The Real’s” newest co-host last month. And yes, there’s drama already.

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Last week, the ladies on “The Real” were discussing Jussie Smollett’s alleged “staged” hate crime attack and him being brought up on new charges by a special prosecutor.

Amanda and co-host Jeannie Mai did not agree and had a mild exchange as they voiced their opinions on the topic. Check it below:



For the show's 1,000th episode, the ladies were interviewed by “EXTRA” co-host Jennifer Lahmers to recap their experiences on the show and for some reason, Jenn kept firing shots at Amanda during one segment.

“1,000 episodes. Does it feel like it’s six seasons, already? I mean not for you because you’re a newbie,” Jenn said to Amanda.

”But I been in this game for a long time,” Amanda responded.

Right after she said that, you can see co-host Loni Love grab Amanda’s hand as a form of sisterhood to let her know it’s all good.

Jenn asked Amanda what the experience has been like for her so far, Amanda responded, and then Jen said, “I mean, you and Jeannie have butt heads on a couple of topics.”

”Have we? STOP…,” Amanda responded before proceeding to gather her all the way up.

Watch it below at the 2-minute mark:

After the episode aired, Amanda hopped on IG to remind folks NOT to come for her unless she sends for you in a hilarious post:



This song tho!

Jenn Lahmers also responded to the controversy on IG:

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"Humble yourself," she wrote on IG Stories. Then, she doubled down on the interview, writing, "I wouldn't change a thing about the way I conducted that interview - addressing a topic that had made numerous headlines across multiple outlets. This is my job as a correspondent. I did not keep pressing once I got an answer and that is all I will say on the matter," she concluded.

While Jenn may have been simply doing her job, she did come off a little catty with the way she asked the question. What are your thoughts on the situation?

Photos: NAACP

source: theybf

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