Home » » About That Ex-NFLer Jack Brewer Who Called Trump America’s ‘First Black President’ During BHM Event + Angela Rye SLAMS Black Trump Supporters - Mainly 'Katrina Pierson'

About That Ex-NFLer Jack Brewer Who Called Trump America’s ‘First Black President’ During BHM Event + Angela Rye SLAMS Black Trump Supporters - Mainly 'Katrina Pierson'

Trump met with some of his black supporters in honor of Black History Month and former NFL player Jack Brewer (who was in attendance) made some comments that have folks scratching their heads. Meanwhile, CNN's Angela Rye has been popping off on all the black people who attended the White House event. More inside…

It’s election year and Trump is making sure to do the most to get more of the black vote months before the polls open up for the 2020 presidential election.

In honor of Black History Month, the White House hosted a celebration where several black Trump supporters were invited to attend, including Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece Alveda King, conservative personalities Diamond and Silk, Pastor Mark Burns, Katrina Pierson and others.

During the event, Trump praised himself over providing additional funds for historically black colleges & universities, low unemployment rates for African-Americans and how he’s making strides in prison reform. The president feels he deserves 100% of the black vote and another four years in the White House.

“I just want to congratulate the black community because what you’ve done in the progress you’ve made over the last three years,” Trump said in the White House East Room during the celebration.

“The African American poverty rate has plummeted to the lowest level in the history of our country,” Trump said. “These are good numbers. I don’t know. I mean, I should be at 100% I hate to tell you, right?”



During the event, former NFL safety Jack Brewer dubbed Trump as America’s “first black president” while at the roundtable.

“Mr. President, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’ve got to say this because it’s Black History Month: man, you are the first black president,” Jack said.

He went on to shower Trump with praise about how much he has changed his life for the better.

“You’ve changed me. You touched me. And you made my work go to another level. You inspire me. And every time I go into those prisons and I ask my guys how many of them had their sentences reduced and they raise their hands, I know I’m doing God’s work and I thank you for that,” Jack continued.


Check it: 

The former Vikings players doubled down on his comments on his Twitter page as well:









Whew, chile. The foolery was at an all time high we see.

The Trump campaign is working hard to gain more of the black vote. They recently announced the opening of 15 community centers in major cities across the country in an effort to rake in more votes. In 2016, exit polls revealed Trump received about 8% of the black vote. It's predicted if Trump gets 12% of the black vote, he will win.

CNN commentator Angela Rye is never one to hold her tongue and she blasted the Trump supporters who attended the White House for the Black History Month celebration. Here's what she had to say about it all: 

"I think that I'm asleep, and I think that the good news is that a number of us have kind of stopped saying woke, so welcome to the party, y'all, but now we're asleep on that. And I think the reality of it is, just to go back to what Tara [Setmayer] was just saying, is Donald Trump does not have a tremendous record to stand on as it relates to criminal justice reform. He has one bill passed. And a strategy that has not served black and brown people for years from before his election, right?

"I think Donald Trump does not have a strong record to stand on as it relates to black unemployment. He has Barack Obama's record to stand on with that, and I think that at some point black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do I want to follow Mark Burns? Do I want to follow Katrina Pierson? Do I want to follow Diamond and Silk? Who the hell are these people, right?

"Instead, you want to give Donald Trump kudos for throwing Cheez-It bits at you and then criticize the people who have spent their careers doing things for the betterment of black people and black society. And I would just say at that point, if you still go over to Donald Trump after that, shame on you. Period.


Trump supporter Katrina Pierson - who recently received the RNC’s 2020 Black Republican Trailblazer Award - responded to Angela:





This presidential election is going to be a doozy for sure. Trump is going to pull out all the stops to get the black vote (and is already setting up tables with "Blaks for Trump" tees in certain important states. Hopefully, WE as a whole don't fall for the BS!

Photo: AP


source: theybf

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