Home » » Keri Hilson Believes Dangerous Levels Of 5G Is Causing Coronavirus, Uses Africa As Evidence + Italy, France & Spain Are Under Coronavirus Lockdown

Keri Hilson Believes Dangerous Levels Of 5G Is Causing Coronavirus, Uses Africa As Evidence + Italy, France & Spain Are Under Coronavirus Lockdown

The Coronavirus is what everyone is talking about, but folks should be careful and research for themselves the information they take it. Singer Keri Hilson has been tweeting up a storm with claims that 5G waves is what's causing the wild spread of the Coronavirus. She even used Africa as an example. Peep her tweets, plus deets on Italy, France, and Spain being on a total lockdown inside....

There’s so much information being shared about the Coronavirus, at this point, it’s hard to decipher what’s fact and what’s totally not true. People have been sharing their own opinions about the contagious virus, sharing conspiracy theories about the pandemic. Keri Hilson is one of them.

It seems the singer-songwriter has become a conspiracy theorist, sharing information on social media about the Coronavirus outbreak. According to Miss Keri Baby, the Coronavirus outbreak is due to dangerous levels of 5G technology.

She claims the lack of 5G networks in Africa is “the reason why the Coronoavirus isn’t spreading as fast in Africa.”  In her tweets, she said Americans were warned about the effects of 5G, but we didn’t listen. Now, she claims the 5G networks and its radiation is increasing the rate in affected countries.

“People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS. Petitions, organizations, studies...what we’re going thru is the affects of radiation,” she tweeted. “5G launched in CHINA. Nov 1, 2019. People dropped dead. See attached & go to my IG stories for more. TURN OFF 5G by disabling LTE!!!”  




Here's the video she posted in the last tweet:

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5G was invented in...you guessed it—CHINA. It launched Nov 1, 2019 in 50 Chinese cities with btwn 86,000-130,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019. The 3 largest network operators worked together in a race to be FIRST...only 5 months after retrieving 5G licenses. Those vids we saw of people in China literally dropping dead out of nowhere?? Eerily close to the Nov launch. In a 2019 Netflix Documentary, Bill Gates himself warned of a global health pandemic that would originate in China. Researchers & organizations have done studies, made petitions, and issued warnings of the dangers of 5G over the past few years. A quick search will produce them. Residents of Australia have filed assault charges against phone companies—and WON. Lastly, while we were wondering if the virus was resistant to melanin as Africa went untouched for quite a while, could it have been because Africa is not a 5G region (on the whole)? If some African countries have launched pre-installed 5G network bases as of yet, there are certainly not as many as on other continents, by far.  I saw this vid on my friend @chakabars page this am & researched the entire day. Not sold? It’s a lot. I get it. That’s fine. But Google or Youtube affects of 5G, EMF exposure, electromagnetic frequency, & radio frequency radiation for yourself...  And to those like me who want to take any measures of protection against it—(although the towers are more dangerous)—you can protect your home & family by going to ur phone Settings to disable LTE under “Cellular Data Options,” which knocks your data speed down to 3 or 4G. Top right corner will show you which network ur on. Also, turn your phone on Airplane Mode or Power them off when not in use or while you sleep. And keep them away from your bodies as much as possible during the day.  I’m not an expert on anything. This is a think piece. The post intrigued me & illustrates a possibility based on the facts above. And please watch in entirety before commenting. I’m sure we all got time today...

A post shared by keri hilson (@kerihilson) on


Then, she referenced Africa not having being affected like the rest of the world: 

"Why do you think the virus is not happening in Africa like that? Not a 5G region. There may be a few bases there, but not as prevalent as other countries. It has nothing to do w/ melanin (for those theories)...," she wrote.


There's a rumor going around that Trump will evoke what is called the Stafford Act. The president will allegedly order a two-week mandatory quarantine for the nation. Keri said she's preparing for the possible lockdown: 

Hmm...what are your thoughts on Keri's Coronavirus theories?

In other Coronavirus news....



Tens of millions of people have been adjusting to a new way of life as governments in France, Spain, the Netherlands and more join Italy in a government-ordered quarantine. The Coronavirus has been spreading rapidly in Europe, so they're trying to get a handle on it. Italy reportedly remains the second most-heavily affected country in the world after China, where the virus was first documented.  It's reported Italy recorded 368 more Coronavirus-related deaths Sunday. Sheesh.

It's basically been a ghost town in countries:







Folks in Spain are coming up with creative ways to make life semi-normal:



According to NBC News, Spain enacted a partial lockdown Saturday night as the country tries to stem the outbreak. People are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work, the pharmacy or a hospital.

It's unclear what's next for the United States, but we'd rather be safe than sorry. Everyone should prepare to at least be home for two weeks IF the government does decide to shut everything down. And please, stay home.


1. Idris Elba has tested positive for the Coronavirus.



2. The Federal Reserve cut rates to zero, but it hasn't helped none. STORY

Photos: Keri's IG

source: theybf

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