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EXCLUSIVE: Traci Braxton Blasts Tamar For Publicly Shading & Making Fun Of Her During Trina's Wedding, Causing Another Blow Up

The drama and tension between Traci and Tamar Braxton clearly hasn't been squashed....still.  Because the two almost came to blows (again) at their sister Trina's wedding.  Now, Traci's spilling what her baby sister did to set her off.

After Traci almost put paws on her own sister Tamar last season during a therapy session gone wrong, there's clearly some ish left to be healed.  And according to Traci, Tamar's mouth and her public disrespect of her are not helping.

On tonight's episode of "Braxton Family Values," Trina asks Traci what led to the dust up at her wedding she heard about, but didn't fully see because she was busy getting married.

Traci says that when their father asked her to come up to sing with him while he serenaded Trina at the reception, Traci didn't know the song and felt embarrassed because she wasn't sure what to do but just stand there.  She says she saw her own family - namely Tamar - out the corner of her eye, though, making fun of her.

"Our family has a big problem with making faces," she said. 

The camera showed Tamar cutting up while Traci was facing her embarrassing moment.  Traci says Tamar then went up to her face and talked ish about her hair TO her face.  SMH.  That's when Traci attempted to throw her chair, and folks stepped in.

Will Trina be able to see where Traci is coming from?! Watch Braxton Family Values Thursdays at 9/8c!


Photos: Jamie Lamor Thompson/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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