Home » » ‘Porsha’s Family Matters’ Is A HOT MESS - Fight Breaks Out At Dinner + Porsha’s Cousin BLASTS Her After Brawl Airs, Simon Gets 'Porsha' Tatt

‘Porsha’s Family Matters’ Is A HOT MESS - Fight Breaks Out At Dinner + Porsha’s Cousin BLASTS Her After Brawl Airs, Simon Gets 'Porsha' Tatt

Whew, lawd! Last night’s episode of “Porsha’s Family Matters” was … A LOT. A fight between Porsha Williams, her ex-fiance/daughter’s father Dennis McKinley and his mother, Gina, broke out during a family dinner in Mexico. Now, one of Porsha’s cousins is BLASTING her and Simon got Porsha's name tatt'd on him. Everything inside…

When it was first announced Porsha Williams would be receiving another spin-off show, fans thought - “Oh, OK. She’s looking to change the narrative” following controversial things that had gone down on “Real Housewives of Atlanta” - like hooking up with her now fiance Simon Guobadia, who was still married to friend of the show, Falynn, when they first got together.

As of now, she’s not a peach holder on “RHOA” because she decided to no longer star on the show. However, she has been giving fans a sneak peek at her life in her spin-off, “Porsha’s Family Matters.” And let’s just say, if Porsha was looking to fix her reputation, her spin-off isn’t helping.

Last night’s episode ended in an all-out BRAWL between Porsha's ex-fiance Dennis McKinley and her family after Porsha seemingly went after Dennis’ mother, Mama Gina. Porsha invited Dennis and Mama Gina on their family vacation to Mexico.

During dinner, Porsha’s assistant Dominic had plenty to say about Dennis bringing another woman along on the family vacay to Mexico, which pissed Dennis off, so he called him out on it. That triggered Porsha to shade Dennis, mentioning Simon (who was also in the mix) would never “sleep with his young bartender.” Dennis told Porsha to “shut the f*ck up,” which led Porsha to kick Dennis and his mama out by security.

Tensions were high, which resulted in Porsha seemingly lunging at Mama Gina, and then all hell broke loose. Check it:



A MESS! After the brawl, Porsha’s family addressed the chaotic night at dinner:





Auntie Liz is a real one and Porsha should pay attention to the gems she drops.

After the show aired, one of Porsha’s cousins (who declined to be on the show) took to Instagram to BLAST Porsha for her problematic ways. The female cousin defended Dennis and his mother and said she was not going to stand by and let them be disrespected.

”I’m glad that I declined to do the show after being asked to be on there. I don’t agree with a lot that’s being portrayed…but what I am grateful & thankful for is the world gets to truly see who Dennis & Momma Gina are,” she wrote on IG Stories. “Ones that over the years I have personally gotten to know & love. Ones who have called & checked in on me and my family almost every day since my mom passed. So, no one can ever say anything bad about them or disrespect them in my book. I will not stand for it.”

The cousin also criticized Porsha and Simon’s relationship, writing, “I don’t agree with messing around better yet being engaged to a married man which I told her my thoughts. And her response (amongst a few other words) ‘be blessed’ and oh have the Lord been blessing me.”

”For the record…I am no one’s a** kisser, seat filler, flunky or groupie, never have been & never will be. And I for damn sure not one to call out of convenience,” she continued. Peep her posts below:

We see the cousin HAD TIME last night.

At one point in time, Porsha and her sister Lauren were cool with the cousin: 

While all of this drama was airing last night, Porsha seemed to attempt to deflect by sharing pics and videos of her, Simon, PJ and others vacaying in Costa Rica.  Apparently, Simon got his first tatt - and it's of Porsha's name.




The finale of “Porsha’s Family Matters” is set to air next week where Dennis threatens Porsha with taking her to family court over custody of their daughter, Pilar Jhene. Peep the clip below:



Yikes. Is Falynn the executive producer of the show because - yeah. One thing is for sure, Dennis definitely has a lot of evidence against Porsha that he could use in his favor IF he does decide to take her to court.

Tune in to ”Porsha’s Family Matters” next Sunday 9PM ET/PT on BRAVO. Will you be tuning in?

Photo: IG Screenshot


source: theybf

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