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Trump Reportedly To Expand Travel Ban To Include Nigeria And Several African Countries & It’s All Bad

Donald Trump says he plans on expanding his controversial travel ban to include at least seven countries. And several of them are in Africa. More inside…

Y’all boy Trump says he’s going to expand his controversial travel ban, which will include seven new countries – several of them in Africa.

The countries include Nigeria, Tanzania, Sudan and Eritrea, as well as Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, and the Eastern European nation of Belarus, according to Politico. The ban will prohibit nearly all people from those countries from traveling or immigrating to the U.S. The restrictions could apply only to certain government officials, for instance, or certain types of visas.

The reason? He claims to “ensure safety.”  NPR reports:

"We're adding a couple of countries" to the ban, Trump said during a news conference held at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "We have to be safe. Our country has to be safe. You see what's going on in the world. Our country has to be safe," he said.

You’ll recall, Trump pushed the original version of the travel ban during his first week in office three years ago. After a few revisions, the Supreme Court upheld the third version of the ban, which banned nearly all travelers or immigrants from mostly Muslim countries, including Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Somalia, as well as North Korea and Venezuela.

As for the travel band expansion (which is rumored to be announced on Monday), it’s reported it will not completely ban citizens looking to enter the U.S., however, we’re talking about Trump here so who even knows for sure at this point.

It’s said the ban could put visa restrictions on some government officials and on those seeking certain type of visitor and business visas.

The reason this is an issue is because it will likely cause tension between the U.S. and the listed countries. It goes along with Trump’s anti-immigrant policies and we all know how he truly feels about African countries.  NPR states:

Nigeria, for instance, is a U.S. counter-terrorism partner and there is a large Nigerian diaspora community in the United States. At the same time, Trump has in the past referred to African nations as "shithole" countries whose citizens he did not want coming to the United States. He also once said that if Nigerians come to the U.S., they will never “go back to their huts” in Africa, according to The New York Times.

Sudan, meanwhile, has long had poor relations with the United States. But it recently underwent a revolution, and longtime leader Omar al-Bashir was ousted. Sudan's new leadership has been trying to improve its standing in Washington. Being added to the travel ban could undermine the new government's domestic standing.

The ban could also cause some countries from participating in the diversity travel program, which grants green cards. And that’s not surprising since Trump has threatened to get rid of the program in the past.



You’ll recall, he argued that US immigration policy (and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer) was partially responsible for an attack that killed eight people in Lower Manhattan in 2017. In 2015, he argued that the attack in San Bernardino, California was a good reason to ban Muslim entry to the U.S.

With a large population of Nigerian and African immigrants living in the U.S., this ban will surely cause plenty of issues.




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Photo: Evan El-Amin/Shutterstock.com

source: theybf

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